Fake Everything

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Mera flipped her book open. Where is it? She started ripping pages out. Where's the paper? Her hand flew to her face. Worry sweat prickled at her forehead. She grabbed her phone, and sent a text.

I thought I could trust you. You mean nothing to me now. She blinked and signed the message. -E.

She sent it.

It only took a minute for a reply to come through.

And I'm sure that your "friend" thought that she could trust you. Just tell them the truth, Mera. They won't hate you. -A.

And what about the other murders? -E.

We both know what really happened. I've only killed one person. Those girls must have a lot of enemies. There's a messenger at your door. She'll tell you everything. -A.

Mera walked to her door. She smiled. "Thank you for coming. The plan was perfect."

"We have five hours to finish this. Let's do it."

Six hours before...

Indigo handed Rara a light blue shirt, a white skirt, and blue flats. "I want you to see the other girls, but they might be a bit freaked out by your outfit."

Rara put on the other clothes. "Thank you." She took off her wig, veil, and fake eyelashes. "I feel so empty like this."

"Are you glad that I came?"

She nodded. "Yes. I never knew many of Applejack's other friends. I was really scared when I started getting these messages. It's like this person just wants us dead. That really terrifies me."

Indigo sighed. "I know. Me too."

- - -

Mera smiled. They don't know about it. This really worked.

She went to River. "Hey. Do you want to go somewhere? There's something I want to show you."

River nodded. "Sure."

"Okay great!" She pulled her sister up. "Let's go now. I have something to work on later."

The two walked to the park.

Mera stopped. "Wait. Why is a cop coming over here?"

An officer held up her badge. "I'm Officer Clayton. I'm here about the murders of Sunset Shimmer, Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, and Principal Cinch."

River forced a smile. "Can we help you?"

"We found what was used for the murders. And it has your fingerprints."

"So what are you saying?"

Clayton forced her around. "You're under arrest for their murders." She locked the handcuffs around River's wrists. "You have the right to remain silent."

Mera didn't say anything.

River was pushed into the police car. Again.

Present..... At police station.....

Fluttershy, Starlight, Sunny, and Viola were sitting together. They were waiting to be processed.

An officer walked in, holding Rainbow's arm. He forced her into the chair, and cuffed her legs. Then he set five jail suits on the table. "Turn around, and get dressed."

The girls did what he said.

After they got dressed, another officer put their hair in sloppy buns.

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