Chapter 16: Jasmine

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I stood outside, my hand hovering over the handle of the meeting room door.

I couldn't decide if I should go in or not. I no longer knew if I was wanted.

When Brae had told me to get out, how 'out' had he meant? For how long?

What if I went in there, in front of everyone I knew, and he told me to leave....

Oh Air, what had I done?

I should go. I should definitely go. Far, far away until Brae was less mad at me...

"Hey, Jazz, you going in?" Cameron came up behind me, looking tense.

Air! He had caught me. I'd have to go in now.

"Sure." I tried to smile and gripped the door handle tightly, hoping Cam wouldn't notice how badly my hand was shaking.

The door swung open to reveal the rest of the emergency council. Tristan was there, sat eagerly at the conference table, ready to go. A deep red rose, the colour of freshly spilt blood, sat in his palm, as though it had grown there. Given his powers, it probably had.

Devon was there too, and Grace, Caleb and seven of the Arcan Elders, who theoretically should have been adding a measure of experience and wisdom to the meeting. It was more likely that they would argue among themselves like children and hinder any real advancement in the discussions.

And then there was Brae, of course.

He was standing at the head of the table, looking strong and regal. My heart felt as though it had sunk down into my stomach, I braced myself, preparing for the worst.

But his eyes glanced straight over me and landed on Cameron instead. "Good. Everyone's here. We can get started."

Devon shot me a strange look, instantly aware that something must be wrong. I gave my head a slight shake and sat down beside her. My hands were still trembling. Tristan, who I had sat opposite, glanced from me to Brae, then back to me again. He smiled, as though indulging in a private joke.

"We have fewer than 24 hours to make our decision: give Roxanne LeMarc back to her people, or keep her and risk Helian repercussions." It was odd how he said her full name; it sounded false and impersonal.

"Surely there is no choice? We must surrender her immediately!" One of the Elders-a man by the name of Ambrosi-piped up at once.

"And look like we bend at the first sign of pressure? That we give in to threats?" Another of the Elders, Caera, retorted.

"Why should we risk our people's lives for a Helian?" Ambrosi shot back.

Devon and I exchanged a look. Brae needed to stop them now, or they would be at it for the rest of the night. Ambrosi and Caera hated each other-it would be impossible to work out what their real opinions were; they had just picked a side in order to argue against each other.

"How serious do we think the Helians' threats are?" Grace interrupted, posing her question to her son.

He sighed. "We've had scouts out since Cinaer appeared at the banquet. We haven't found signs of a Helian assault force yet, but then we haven't found any sign of Cinaer either. He must be out there somewhere, an un-knowable number of troops with him."

"But why now?"

There was a pause. No one seemed to know the answer to this question. "We should ask Roxy," I said. I regretted it instantly. All eyes turned to me, except Brae's. He kept looking resolutely away.

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