Chapter 48: Jasmine

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It felt odd going back up to my room in the castle. We were convening for a meeting the following morning, to talk tactics, but for now, everyone was being given time to settle in and adjust. The Helians had never been out of their own Realm before and they were already struggling to cope with the cold, even with all of the extra blankets Brae had brought in for them.

The Brizans, who had arrived two days before we had, with a full entourage, were finding it far easier to adjust. Rowan, Euphrasia and Lorelie had all travelled before, while Kit was caught up in the excitement of going away, and also the experience of seeing Imogen's home and meeting her friends and family. Im said that she had been to visit Devon each morning, and would go again after the meeting tomorrow. The doctors weren't saying much, which usually wasn't good news. If she was improving, they would be jumping to tell us. Brody still hadn't left her side for more than a few minutes at a time. He was also still vowing to kill Roxy if Devon didn't make a full recovery.

Frustrated, I threw myself down onto my bed and stared out of the window. The covers were cool and silky on my skin, and I found myself instinctively reaching for a thick beige blanket, cuddling it up around myself. I already missed the heat of the Helian Realm; even though most of our mission had taken place at night, it had still been twice the temperature of my bedroom now. And there was the added bonus of all that fire. I guess I could have sat here with flames cupped in my hands now, but it just didn't seem as good, and if I fell asleep it would probably spell disaster for the rest of the castle.

I sighed and rolled over onto my back, looking up to the ceiling. I didn't know what to do now. Brae was with Roxy, Imogen was introducing Kit to her parents and Devon was in hospital. Meanwhile Tristan was who knows where, still trying to track down Cinaer.

I sat upright as I heard the knock at the door.

"Come in," I called, curious. Maybe Roxy and Brae were pausing for breath.

But when the door opened it was my mother who was standing in the doorway.

"Jasmine?" She said my name tentatively, as though I might rescind my invitation now that I knew that it was her.

"Queen Aurelia, please come in." I crossed my legs but remained sat on the bed. Aurelia pushed the door closed behind her and sat down on the chair at the dresser. She looked uncomfortable-far too formal.

"What can I do for you?" I asked politely. Mother or not, I still didn't feel that I could be relaxed around her, not the way I could with Grace or Noni-they were my real mothers.

"I thought it would be good if we talked," she began delicately. "Firstly, I hear that you had another altercation with Emmanuel-that he was killed in the attack."

"Tristan-the Sephan Realm's new President-caught him before he could do any damage. He killed him." I was worried that I was sounding weak-I didn't want it to look like I had had to be rescued by a Sephan. I didn't want her to think less of me. "I could have taken care of myself. Tristan just happened to be in the right place at the right time."

The Queen nodded. "I apologise all the same; you should not have been put in that situation. We were doing everything in our power to find him. I suppose that, due to the geography of our Realm, it's just too easy to get away without being detected." She sighed and looked towards the window.

"I have spent the afternoon talking to Emmerich," she continued after a minute. "We had a lot to sort out. He... he made me realise how wrong I had been to keep you a secret. It wasn't fair on any of us, and I think we have all paid the price."

"Emmanuel didn't really give you a choice." She couldn't sound so defeated, so guilty. I frowned angrily.

"I could have stood up for myself. If I had really believed in my feelings for Emmerich, I would have put them first, and not let Emmanuel manipulate me." She looked at me, her eyes glistening with tears and passion.

"You were young. You made a mistake." My voice was soft, coaxing. I had to make her see.

"I made a choice and I will always have to live with the repercussions of that decision. However, I had the good fortune of meeting Caleb and Noni last night. They are good people and if the ultimate outcome of my actions is that you had a happy, safe upbringing, away from the stigma and hardship you would have faced in my Realm, then I wouldn't act any differently if I could go back."


"Think about it Jasmine. If I had stayed with Emmerich, my Realm would have been torn apart. It would have stayed under Helian control and you, the product of our love, would have been seen as a symbol of the Brizan Realm's destruction. Imagine how hard that would have been for you, to have grown up facing such hatred. My relationship with Emmerich never could have worked-we both have too many conflicting obligations. But at least I have gained something from it."

"So... You're not getting back together." My heart sank a little. It was stupid, I knew that. I didn't even really know my parents, but I wanted them to be happy.

She smiled sadly. "We both feel that it would be for the best if we stayed apart. With King Nero dead, Emmerich will be in command of the Helian Realm when he returns home. And I have my own commitments to the Brizan Realm. We will perhaps try and see each other when possible; we are both keen for relations between the Helian and Brizan Realm to improve. But anything more intimate wouldn't work. Our Realms need us. But anyway," she continued, standing up and making her way over to the bed. To my complete surprise, she sat down beside me and laid her hand on my arm. "That was not the only reason I came to see you. I would also like to make you an offer. You are my only heir, and now that Emmanuel is gone, it will be safe for you to come back to the Brizan Realm once the present fighting is over. If you are willing I would like to publicly declare you as my daughter-I have already checked with Emmerich, and he believes that it is the right thing to do. It may be rocky at first, but the Brizan people will accept you eventually."

I was silent for a moment. I wanted to get to know my mother, and more about the Brizan side of my heritage. But it was a lot to give up, and even more responsibility to take on. "I don't know that I could rule a Realm." Brae and Roxy had been training their whole lives to do just that. I wasn't sure that I was strong enough.

"You wouldn't have to make that decision right away-I'm not going anywhere soon. But you could try it out, for a while, spend time with me and see what I do. I'm sure you would pick it up, and get a taste for living in the Brizan Realm, which I think you will love; particularly the western side. You don't even have to decide to come with me right now," she said, seeing the reluctance on my face. "I know that it's a big decision. I only ask that you consider it, for both our sakes."

I nodded.

She smiled warmly and stood up. Her hand, which was still resting on my arm, squeezed me lightly. "It's so good to see you again, my Jasmine," she said before leaving.

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