Chapter 44: Roxy

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I slowed down as I reached the holding cells. They had to be here. I had already raced through the torture chambers, which were full of strange metal tools and the remnants of long-extinguished fires. I had even checked in the dismal, dark dungeons of the very lower levels-the prisons where criminals and traitors condemned to death were left to rot, out of sight and hearing. Helians didn't go in for public execution. We just locked them up and burned away the key. No, if my father, Vincent and Avery were here, they had to be in the holding cells.

But as I approached, I could hear the sounds of voices. Familiar voices. Jasmine's foreign lilt was instantly recognisable and, was that, could it really be, Avery? There was a third voice though. Helian. Female. And new.

As I turned the corner, the three of them came into view. They were standing outside the entrance to the holding cells, all too intent on their argument to notice my arrival. Jasmine looked just as I had left her, but Avery was definitely looking worse for wear. It was the third figure I was interested in though. I hadn't ever seen her before. I would remember someone that proud and haughty. She stood in front of the gates in a tailored dress and heels-she clearly wasn't expecting a fight. She also, I was pleased to notice, didn't have a single strand of colour running through her hair.

"So who, exactly, are you?" I called out towards her, announcing my presence.

Jasmine spun round, a relieved smile on her face. Avery merely raised her eyebrows.

"That depends who's asking," the stranger called back boldly.

I grinned, lifting my hood off my head, revealing my face. "Roxanne LeMarc. I think I'm technically in charge of this place now. So, I will ask you again-who the flames are you?"

To my surprise, the stranger smirked. "I believe you're wrong there, Roxy." She sneered the abbreviation. "I'm Adresteia and Cinaer left me in charge while he was away."

"Adresteia? What sort of mid-Realm name is that?"

The girl huffed. "I'm from Kalme, like Cinaer."

"Ah," I said, smiling. "That explains it then."

"Explains what?" she asked dumbly, falling straight into the trap.

"Why Cinaer would be hanging out with someone like you-a nameless ordinary-there can't be much choice over there."

I could see Avery watching me with glee.

Adresteia looked like she had been slapped. Her cheeks were beginning to colour alarmingly, and I was very pleased to notice that it made her look considerably less attractive.

I strolled towards them, taking my time and watching her as I walked. I stopped between Jasmine and Avery, looking down at the Kalme girl with my most intimidating stare.

"Do us a favour and run along, honey, we've got things to do here." I smiled sweetly.

She drew herself up, her eyes flashing angrily. "If you go in there now, you're just going to get locked up with the rest of them. Besides," she added with a smirk, "the locks are all fireproof. You're going to need a key."

"Actually," Avery surprised me by speaking up. "We've already found a way around that problem. Jasmine?"

Jasmine spun around to the lock, using her body to shield what she was doing from Adresteia; clever Jasmine, not revealing our secret weapon too soon. I heard the fizz of her sparks and the lock clattered to the floor.

"How did you-" Adresteia started, but I cut across her.

"Just one of the benefits of not being ordinary, I'm afraid." I smiled sympathetically.

"I can't let you go in there," she snapped back, her voice carrying as much authority as it could muster. I'll admit I was a little impressed-most people would have run away from three Protectors on a rampage. Maybe she was just a bit dim.

I smiled very sweetly at her before letting the flames in my hands flare up. "And what exactly do you plan on doing to stop us?"

She smiled back. "Come on then. I'm itching to see if the famous Roxanne LeMarc is worth the hype."

I sighed at her stupidity and sent a ball of flames at her shoulder. I didn't want to seriously harm her-yet-just make sure that she fully realised what she was dealing with.

But she didn't react as the flame touched her skin. She didn't so much as blink.

I was about to send another when Avery touched my arm, holding me back. "There's no point, Roxy. Fire can't hurt her," she spoke softly.

"But she's not a Protector," I replied, confused.

"No, I'm not." Adresteia grinned. "Recognise these though?" she asked, holding up her wrists to reveal manacles chillingly similar to the ones Cinaer had forced onto me. "Oh good," she said, registering the shock on my face. "These are rather like yours, only they work in reverse. Instead of stopping a Helian Protector from using their powers, they stop them from working on me. They work against the other Realms' powers too, Freak," she added, glancing at Jasmine. "So don't you bother trying anything either." She grinned. "Now then, Roxy. How about we settle this like ordinary grown-ups."

I had swung my leg into a kick before she had even finished speaking. To my surprise, she dodged neatly out of the way, grounding herself despite her heels and countering with a kick of her own, which I was forced to dodge. I threw a punch, but she blocked that too, following with a flurry of strikes.

She was good.

But I knew that I was better. I threw an uppercut that collided with her stomach, striking the back of her neck while she was doubled over. She took advantage of her position and grabbed my legs, pushing me backwards into the wall of the tunnel. So I thrust my knee sharply into her gut, making her let go. She quickly straightened herself and tried to hit me again. This time, with the wall behind me and nowhere to go, she got lucky, and the blow glanced off my cheek, her large emerald ring scratching into my skin.

She stood back, grinning, but I lunged again, trying to hit every inch of her that I could reach.

I had a different end game though. If her manacles were exactly like mine had been, they had one weakness.

As she swung to hit me again, I let flames flare up in my fingers. I ducked to the side, avoiding the punch, and grabbed hold of the metal instead.

She smiled at me smugly, opening her mouth to ask me what I was doing just as the metal began to melt and the pain kicked in, turning her question into a bloodcurdling scream.

"Now, Jasmine!" I shouted. She understood my meaning at once, letting a spark flicker between her palms before touching Adresteia lightly on the back.

As she crumpled to the floor, Jasmine jumped back, her face paled in shock.

Avery bent down over the body and touched her neck, while watching her chest for signs of life. "She's still breathing," she said looking up at me and sounding disappointed.

"I only gave her a little shock!" Jasmine replied, horrified. "I didn't want to kill her!"

"Get to know her a little more and you will." Avery kicked Adresteia none too softly as she stepped over her.

{Reunited! But what awaits them in the cells? Please vote if you enjoyed this chapter.}

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