Chapter 51: Jasmine

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The woods in the Arcan Realm were filled with fir trees. Tonight, they were lightly dusted with a coating of snow. There was a sharp breeze in the air and I drew my shawl around me more tightly.

The cracking of a branch behind me caused me to spin round, sparks flew in the hand that wasn't holding my shawl around me tightly.

A boy, with a shock of green hair on his head, stepped out from the undergrowth. His mint green eyes lifted to mine, but they seemed to see right through me. Tristan was looking at something, and it wasn't me. The lightning died down in my fingertips.

I looked behind me, but could see only trees.

But Tristan was definitely focusing on something that wasn't me. There was a rustling sound as some of the snow toppled from the tree onto the pine needle strewn ground below. I looked up and saw what Tristan was staring at: a bird, with large, luminous eyes which glowed like liquid gold. Its feathers were soft and pale grey.

"It's beautiful," I said. Cold puffs of air came out of my mouth as I spoke. I stamped my feet, which were going numb, to try and regain the feeling and rubbed my hands together. "But it's also freezing. Can we go inside soon?"

"Good girl," was all he said in response, walking past me and over to the bird, which flew down from the tree to land on his arm. "So they're close? Good. We've nearly got them, then you can go your own way again."

All three of us jumped at the next sound. The bird took off, up into the ink black sky. Perhaps because of the absolute coldness, I could see hundreds of multi-coloured stars glimmering in the air above us.

"Well, well, well," a malicious voice said with evident glee, bringing my focus sharply back to the ground. "It looks like we've caught ourselves a Sephan. You're a long way from home."

Cinaer stood in between the trees, flanked by five other Helians.

The ground shook in warning, but Cin only laughed. His hand shot out, sending a ball of flames into the tree above Tristan's head. A fiery branch toppled downwards and Tristan had to dive to the left to avoid being burnt.

"Now, Sephan. I don't like being spied on. I thought I had made my deal quite clear when I spoke to our Princess. But Roxy always has to make things difficult." Cinaer sounded tired; long-suffering. He rolled his eyes at his companions, who laughed darkly in response. "But now it's your choice. We're bringing you in either way. You can make it easy, or difficult."

It was Tristan's turn to laugh. "You're arrogant, even by Helian standards. What makes you think you can bring me in?"

"Well for a start, there's one of you, and six of us."

"Count again," Tristan said, as growls erupted from the trees on either side of us.

"And that's supposed to make us feel threatened? You've found a couple of mutts to fight beside you."

Sparks flew from my fingers. Was no one paying me any attention? I was easily the most menacing one there-Tristan knew that, even if Cinaer didn't. When no one looked my way I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. To be certain, I pointed the palm of my hand in Cinaer's direction and let a medium sized bolt loose at him. It flew through the air without hitting anyone.

No. It was Brae all over again. This really couldn't be happening.

The dogs snapped at Cinaer, seeming unperturbed by the flames dancing in his hands.

Tristan twitched his hands slightly and the trees seemed to spring to life, expanding to hem the Helians in.

But Cinaer had had enough. The flames darted from his fingers, taking out two of the dogs in an instant. The Helians around him went to tackle the others, leaving Cin to hurl a stream of flames directly at Tris, who darted out of the way, landing on the floor with a thud. Coming into contact with the ground worked to his advantage though. The earth began to rumble and quake beneath our feet. I tried to grab a branch to keep from falling, but I just fell to the ground instead; my hand couldn't make contact with the world around me. I laughed drily as I hit the solid ground. How could I feel cold-and pain as I thudded down onto the snow-but not grab hold of a tree? Or help my friend.

These dreams were a nightmare.

Cinaer had fallen too, and the tremor had affected his aim, so the next two shots hit the trees, wildly missing Tristan. This gave Tristan time to jump to his feet and pull his ever present bow out. When Cin struggled to stand up again, a silver-tipped arrow was already pointing directly at his heart.

Cin shrugged. "Fair play. But do you know what the problems with bows are?"

Tristan bit. "What's that, Helian?" His arms stayed ready, poised, but his eyebrows were raised; he was curious.

Cinaer grinned wickedly; he was enjoying himself. As he uttered the words "They burn," the ball of flames was already roaring, concealed in his palm while Tristan was distracted.

The bow was incinerated in seconds, falling to the ground in a cloud of ash. Tristan had to jerk his hands away in surprise.

Cin was already on top of him, swinging a punch to the right that sent Tristan reeling.

Tristan shook his head, looking dazed. But threw a punch of his own, which missed. He had been completely disorientated.

It was too easy for the Helian grunts to surround him, leaving him with no escape from Cinaer's flames. He tried to fight, to jostle, to use his powers, but they were too strong. One of them took out a set of golden manacles; similar to the ones that I had seen Roxy in during our escape from the Helian Realm.

A flicker of flames across his shoulders forced him to hold out his hands and Cinaer snapped the manacles around them.

I could see the panic, the shock, on Tristan's face as he tried, and failed, to use his powers.

Cinaer grinned his trademark evil smirk, then raised his hand high into the air and brought it down sharply on Tristan's head.

I woke up still screaming.

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