Chapter 17: Roxy

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They took me back to my room after that and I heard nothing else until the following afternoon.

But that was okay; I needed the time to think.

Grandfather was dead? If what Cin had told Brae was true, anyway. I didn't doubt that Cin had been there-Brae, at the very least-wouldn't lie to me.

But how could he be dead?

He had been fine when I left him. Stressed maybe, but healthy.

I wouldn't put it past Cinaer to kill him. Although there was always a chance the elite families had turned to violence, seeing my grandfather's recent failure as a need for new leadership; particularly if they had Cinaer convincing them that it was a good idea. My stomach sank as I considered how much my defection may have played a part in my grandfather's demise.

But the comments about my dad were even more perplexing. Crimes against the Realm... Cinaer seemed to be implying that he had been implicated in my grandfather's death. But if so, he must have been set up-my dad and grandfather had always got on. He wouldn't be capable of murdering him. I wouldn't put it past Cinaer and my mother though...

But I still couldn't understand the story about me being a captured Princess. It seemed to suggest that the Realm didn't know what I had done. I could go home without repercussions... Kill Cin, free my dad and help him rule the Realm.

Cin wouldn't make it that easy though.

There was a knock at the door.

Flames. This was it then; they had decided and were coming to take me already. I hadn't prepared yet... I needed a plan...

I wasn't going. They couldn't make me. Flames flared up in my fingers; I was poised, ready to attack whoever came through the door.

The door creaked open, even though I hadn't said anything, revealing violet hair.

"Oh, it's you again." I flopped back on my bed, panic over. I kept the blaze dancing in my palms though. "I'll admit I'm a little disappointed. I thought that they would send someone more important to drag me off to my doom."

"I'm not here to give you up to Cinaer. I'm here to talk."

"What could we possibly have to talk about?" She took a few steps into the room and closed the door, leaning back against it-for safety?

"I told Brae," was all she said. Well... I hadn't been expecting that. I sat up and looked at her properly. Her face was drawn, her eyes red and puffy. She looked as though she was telling the truth.

"I take it it didn't go well?"

She laughed, which I hadn't been expecting. It was a dark, humourless laugh, but a laugh all the same.

"It was clear from his response who he's chosen."

Well what the flames did that mean?

"But that's not all I came to tell you," she continued cryptically. Seriously, what was wrong with her today? It was as though she had taken crazy pills. Her face was pale and she kept wringing her hands.

"Have they made a decision?"

She exhaled, looking relieved-that obviously wasn't what she was so keen not to talk about. It was the only thing that I was interested in though.

"Not really. Not yet. Well, that's not strictly true. Brae doesn't want to give you to Cinaer, that much is clear to everyone. And... and I've vouched for you too-I told them what Cinaer is capable of, and that they shouldn't hand you over to him. But the problem is justifying it. If Cinaer attacks, hundreds of Arcans will die. And they don't think that you're worth it."

I laughed. "And you do? Come on, Jasmine, what game are you playing? We both know that I'm not your favourite person and it definitely works in your favour to get rid of me. What could possibly make you want to save me from Cinaer's evil clutches?"

"I... Well..." Oh, so this must be what she had been so nervous about.

"Roxy.... Back at the battle in the Helian Realm, you said that you thought I might have some Helian blood in me. While I was in the Brizan Realm, I... I found out that was true. And it turns out that we share more than just a Realm... Roxy, we're sisters.


"Queen Aurelia and... Your Dad..."



"No. My Dad wouldn't... There's no way-"

I was cut off by a large booming sound in the distance.

The whole room quaked with the impact.

We rushed to the window in unison, staring out across the Realm of white.

Only it wasn't so white any more. Thick grey clouds hung over the buildings in the distance, while dazzling flames danced beneath it in a towering inferno of death and destruction.

"What on Air?" Jasmine gasped beside me.

"Cinaer." I didn't have to think twice. "He said he'd give you until sundown? It looks like he decided to bring it closer."

Night had come early-the air was thick with grey smoke. The impact site of whatever Cin had dropped could only be a mile away.

It could easily be us next.

The city beneath us had erupted into chaos. 

{So Roxy now knows they are sisters. How do you think their relationship will change as a result? And what about that explosion? Please vote/comment to let me know what you think.}   

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