Chapter 20: Roxy

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On my first solo walk around the castle, the only person I met was Tris. The Sephan was simmering, his eyes burning with an anger I couldn't understand.

"Hey, Tris, what's up? The Arcans not showing you enough respect?" I was joking, but it seemed Tris wasn't in a jovial mood.

"If that Arcan idiot pushes me one more time, I'll..." He trailed off, shaking his head furiously.

"What did Brae do?"

"Apparently, I'm not important enough to sit in on impromptu Arcan meetings: 'The King left instruction that he was not to be disturbed' Tris affected a mock-Arcan accent as he parroted the guard's words. I struggled to suppress a laugh at how bad it sounded. But the urge was tempered as my brain fully registered the word 'King'. It was so odd to consider Brae's new title; it seemed so at odds with his youth.

"Any idea what they are discussing?"

"Some kind of plan to move as many of the remaining citizens as possible out of the city and into the surrounding towns-or that's what they are claiming, anyway. They could be discussing anything behind those doors..."

"I don't know-when I last spoke to Brae, he was devastated by the destruction throughout the city. He really cares about his people."

Tris' brain apparently stopped working after the first part of my sentence. "You've spoken to him recently? My Helian prisoner gets one on one time with the prince while I can't even sit in on a meeting full of other diplomats?"

''Hey! Your prisoner? I don't think so, Sephan. Right now, you have about as much power over me as you do Brae-by which I mean none at all. And that's exactly the way it should be. Right now, you and I are perfectly equal. We're both helping out the Arcans; we just have slightly different agendas."

Tris sighed, his anger beginning to deflate. "I'm sorry, Rox. You are the only ally I have over here at the moment and I need to start treating you like it. Speaking of allies though... Any chance you could put in a good word for me with Sparky? She's someone I'd like to spend a little more time with."

"So easily distracted, Sephan. You'll never get anything done if you keep chasing after girls." I could probably make more headway with Brae if Jazz started showing an interest in Tris... But did I want my sister spending time with a Sephan? A Sephan with murky morals at that. My feelings towards Jasmine weren't rosy, but I still wasn't sure I would wish that on her. Particularly not with my knowledge of Tris' lust for power. "I think you should focus on the task at hand, and leave Brae's best friend alone-I don't think it would help your cause if he disliked you any more than he already does."

Tris laughed. His good humour seemed to be returning. I was about to suggest we went for a walk around the garden when a group of approaching Arcans froze the words on my lips. Brae was at their head, flanked on either side by Cameron and Devon. Jasmine was with them too, but she was keeping off to the side.

"President Terra, Princess LeMarc, we are about to commence a wide scale evacuation of the city. We would be grateful for your assistance, should you be willing to give it."

"Of course," I replied at once, my eyes never leaving Brae's.

"The Sephans would be happy to aid you in your endeavour to save your citizens," Tris replied with the easy charm that had characterised his campaign.

"Thank you both. Troops are already assembling throughout the city. We will start the evacuation immediately." Smiling lightly in my direction, he led the group along the corridor and to the city.

"I'm surprised you're willing to help," Tris whispered to me as we followed Brae towards the door.

I shrugged back. "Just because I'm a Helian doesn't mean that I can't pull my weight. I helped you plenty in the Sephan Realm."

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