Chapter 64: Jasmine

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"Are you sure?" Tristan asked, winding his arms around my waist again, pulling me towards him possessively.

We were standing on the harbour. Tristan's boat back to the Sephan Realm was bobbing in the sea behind us.

"Absolutely!" I smiled, pulling away from him.

"But you could come for a couple of months at least..." He protested once more.

"I will, at some point. Just not right now."


"I need to go to the Brizan Realm with my mother. It's important that I learn as much about the Realm as possible and give them a chance to get used to me. But don't worry," I added, tilting my head to his. "I'll come up with an excuse for a diplomatic visit as soon as I can." I kissed him lightly on the lips.

"Or maybe I'll come to you. They don't really need me over there..." Tristan suggested between kisses.

"Yes they do! You've been gone for long enough already. You had so many plans for the Realm-go and see a few of them through."

"You know," he said, pressing his face to my hair. "I can only serve two terms. Sooner or later I'm going to find myself without a Realm to run..."

"And you'll know where to find me when you do!" I drew my face back, smiling up at him.

It hadn't been too difficult a decision to make in the end, because I was so sure that I was doing the right thing. What my mother was offering wasn't the sort of opportunity I could give up. Tristan could, and would, wait. But the Brizan Realm was going to be difficult enough to win over already, without adding 'Sephan sympathiser' to the list of charges against me. At least I wouldn't be going alone; Imogen was coming across with me, both to be with Kit and to get away from the sadness the Arcan Realm now held for us. As one of the Realm's only remaining Protectors, she would probably have to come back eventually, but for now, at least, the Realm did not need protecting.

"I'm going to miss you," he whispered.

"Me too." I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Get a room!" Roxy said from behind me.

I turned towards her, grinning. "Sure, because you can talk!"

Roxy's arm was wrapped around Brae tightly. I could tell from the slight wince on his face that she was having to support him.

"I guess this is goodbye, Terra," her tone was sadder than I had expected.

"Only for now. You haven't seen the last of me, Helian! Particularly not if you are sticking around in the Arcan Realm. I've got to say that I'm a little surprised - I can't wait to get away from all this snow!"

The harbour had been transformed into a wonderland of white, with thick layers of powder doing their best to conceal the destruction around the city. Everything looked fresh, clean and new. It would hamper Brae's rebuild efforts, putting many of them off until the end of the season, but right now, it was having a far more positive effect on the city's inhabitants, the number of which was increasing once again.

I was going to miss this Realm: my home, my family and my people.

But I was overjoyed that, because of our efforts, they wouldn't be out of reach in my new home. For the first time in our history, the four Realms stood together, as exemplified by the four Protectors stood in the harbour that morning, looking out to sea and to a united future at last.

{And that's it! Thank you so, so much to everyone who has stuck with the series and read this far. I can't believe we're at the end. I'm going to go back through the comments on the last couple of chapters this afternoon as I've fallen a bit behind. If you've enjoyed the series, please check out my gender-reversal retellings of fairy-tales and follow me for further updates. Thank you so much for reading; Wattpad readers are the best!}

 Thank you so much for reading; Wattpad readers are the best!}

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