chapter 3

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Both Lauren and Camila pulled back as quick as the wind before their lips touched and opened their deer in headlight eyes to see who the voice belonged to. Behind them stood a yawning Dinah.

"Well?" Dinah asked as she eyed both girls who had had been caught red-handed. She rubbed her eyes for stretching her arms. "What are you guys doing?"

"N-nothing," Camila stuttered nervously. "Lauren had an eyelash on her eyelid and I was trying to remove it." She looked over at Lauren for support or even an agreement, but the green eyed girl had backed away as far from her on the table and was sitting mute and motionless.

"Really? But why so close then?" Dinah asked with a suspicious look on her face.

"Well I couldn't find it, so I needed to get closer." Camila explained quickly. She tried to give another reason, but her mind fell blank. Lauren wasn't helping either. She gave Dinah a nervous smile, but the taller girl stood watching both girls with a curious look on her face.

"Alright then," she said shrugging her shoulders. She looked at Lauren unconvinced. "Well did she at-least get the eyelash?"

Lauren nodded her head looking a bit sick. She gave Dinah a twitchy smile before staring back off into distance. Dinah glanced at Camila questioning, but changed her mind and left the room quickly to go into the bathroom.

Camila exhaled in relief and turned to Lauren, "that was so close! She almost-"

"Please don't do that ever again." Lauren said softly.

"What?" Camila said confused. "But Lauren-"

"Just stop Camila. I don't know what you're trying to pull, but this needs to end now." Lauren said beginning to raise her voice. "I feel as if you have no regard of what you're doing to the people around you. Just stay away from me, please?" 

Camila shook her head furiously. "No, I'm not going to stay away over something so stupid," she argued.

"For once, just think about other people besides yourself!"

Camila's eyes widened in surprise. "What brought this on?" She asked angrily. "Because if I can recall correctly, just a few seconds ago, you were leaning in too. It wasn't just me."

"Well what did you expect? You were practically forcing it on me."

Camila raised her eyebrows and scoffed in disbelief. "You know what, I don't need to hear this bullshit. I'm out of here!"

She wanted to get as far away as possible from the green eyed girl, but Lauren was sitting on the exit of the table. Out of anger, and mainly because of too much pride to ask her to move, Camila tried to jump off the table. She jumped wrong, causing her to land smack down on the ground and bang her head. Lauren quickly rushed towards her when she saw the smaller girl hit the floor.

"Fuck!" Camila squealed in pain. She lifted her hand from the ground and touched her forehead. It was wet she felt. She was bleeding, really bad.

"Don't move." Lauren coaxed. "We don't know how bad it is. You could get a concussion and standing up could make it worse." She kneeled down, and tried to brush Camila's hair out of her face to see the wound, but Camila slapped her hand away.

"Don't touch me," Camila ordered coldly.

Lauren ignored the slight jab of pain from Camila's tone, but she figured she deserved it. She was the one that made her angry anyways.

"May I please look at the cut?" She asked softly. Camila pretended not to hear, but nodded her head after a few seconds. She tried not to focus on the pain and watched as Lauren examined her forehead.

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