chapter 14

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"Do you know why we're all here?" Lauren asked her bandmates over her shoulder as she poured some coffee into her mug.

Behind her, Dinah peeked over at Camila that stood besides Lauren. She shook her head softly, telling them stay quiet.

"No clue." Dinah answered nervously, folding her hands together onto her lap.

"Mani? Ally?"

Both girls stayed quiet and Camila gave them all a nod of gratitude. Lauren sighed and slumped back into her chair, taking a sip of her bitter coffee. Camila followed behind her and bit her lip nervously.

"Well have you at least seen my phone?" Lauren turned and asked Camila. "I haven't been able to find it since last night."

Camila grabbed her bag and slowly searched for Lauren's phone that she had hid away from her the night before. She prayed that Lauren wouldn't look through it and see all the missed calls from their management. She hoped that somehow, they all got erased.

"Found it! Here it is!" Camila faked enthusiasm.

Lauren clapped her hands happily and placed a small kiss on Camila's cheek. Her smile suddenly disappeared as she looked at the screen, making Camila's heart jump.

"Bummer," Lauren muttered, tossing her phone onto the table as if it were useless. "Batteries dead."

"Yeah... Bummer." Camila said softly, trying to hide the relief in her voice.

The door was suddenly  flung open, turning Lauren's attention away from her phone as their tour manager Will walked in. He had a tired look on his face and was wearing his night pajamas and slippers. His chin looked a bit scrubby as if he hadn't slept in a few days.

"Did you two slip off earth's radar or what?" He asked dryly upon seeing Lauren and Camila.

"No,"' Lauren dared on. "But obviously your face did." Camila looked down at her hands trying not to smile at Lauren's childish comment.

"I was getting yelled at," Will replied taking a long gulp of coffee, ignoring the burn in his throat. "Now its your turn."

Lauren scoffed and turned towards Camila slowly. "Camz, what is he talking about?"

Before Camila could have a chance to answer, Will pulled out his cell phone and shoved the phone towards Lauren's face. Playing was the video of them interacting. Instead of watching the video, Camila watched as Lauren's pale face turned into a deep shade of red as she stared at the screen. She was silent, but as the video came to an end, Lauren pushed Will's hand away, making his phone fling onto the table.

"Okay, so?"

"What do you mean, so?" Will responded rubbing his temples. "You two were told specific instructions not to interact in front of cameras or anywhere that there could be an audience, I thought that had been perfectly clear. Picture my surprise when I get an angry phone call about that video."

Lauren laughed softly. "Honestly who gives a shit? Don't you realize that Camila and I interacting brings more attention to the group? Isn't that what matters? More sales? More publicity?"

"I tried that argument too," Will sighed. "I just don't make up the rules. Trust me, I don't like being the bad guy here."

Lauren's face softened witnessing Will surrender his typical hard rock exterior. She looked to her side at Camila who had been silent the entire time. Her face looked tired and her eyes were sad. Lauren was surprised that Camila hadn't tried to make a case against it or come to defend them as she usually did.

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