chapter 22

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Although Lauren had broken every rule in the drivers guidebook, she had finally arrived to the award show with few minutes spare.

Hoping that she could get through without being spotted, she managed to sneak around the back where nobody could see her and ask any questions. She ran through the halls, thankful that everyone was so hectic with their own issues that nobody seemed to notice a raven haired girl passing by.

Seeing the dressing room from afar that read "Fifth Harmony," she almost felt like a secret spy who completed her mission as she stepped inside. That was, until she heard the one voice she had been trying so hard to avoid.

"Where were you? You're late." LA Reid scolded her as she entered the room.

The rest of her band mates who were sitting in their chairs facing the mirrors turned to look at her as she entered the room. Ally shot her a questioning look, but Lauren nodded towards her letting her know that Sasha had been taken care of and everything was right on track.

With a smile, the girls returned back to their mirrors to finish up the last touches before they all went out to take their seats. Lauren turned back to the man that held her career, who seemed to be puffing out fire from his nostrils.

"Traffic," she mumbled. Not giving him a chance to respond, she ran towards her station where the designer had hung Lauren's crimson gown. Lauren quickly began stripping down the jacket and shoes she wore, but turned back to look at him who still stood his ground and asked, "Do you mind?"

"That's why drivers are booked for events," he explained in an annoyed tone.

Showing no sign that he was leaving anytime, Lauren just started started undressing as she hid behind a clothing rack.

"Why didn't you arrive with the girls?" He asked once again.

"I had some things I needed to take care of, nothing important."


She sighed and zipped up the dress, meeting his eyes, "Can we just talk about this some other time? It's time for us to go."

Lauren checked in the mirror quickly and added some fresh red lipstick to her mouth. She was about to walk towards the exit door when he stepped right in front of her.

"Don't take me for a fool." He spread out his arms and covered it with his body so she wouldn't step out."Do you think I'm stupid?"

Lauren looked around in panic searching the room for another exit, but found none.

"I-I don't know what you mean by that," Lauren stuttered.

Her band mates had now taken notice to her brawl and faced their way to watch. LA Reid wasn't fazed as he stared Lauren down to the core.

"I am in charge of every decision that goes this group's way. Picture my surprise when I found out that you asked for a change of wardrobe from the white dress," He signaled towards her bandmates who all matched in different white gowns and then hers. "Especially when I found out that Camila is also wearing red to this award show."

"That's was just a coincidence! I didn't know," Lauren replied, trying her hardest to sound honest.

"Then I suppose it wasn't you who talked to the producers to request Camila to present your award for song of the summer?" He spat as Lauren looked down at her fingernails.

"I may be a lot of things, but I am not an idiot," Lauren met his eyes angrily.

"Why does it matter who or who doesn't present an award? An award which, might I add... we won fair and square," Lauren argued. "You may sit behind the scenes, but we do all the work around here. Why can't we get a say in the things we do? We aren't robots to be controlled. We work so much that we hardly see our families, the least you could do is let us make decisions for ourselves."

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