chapter 8

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The next two weeks were like torture.

All Camila could do to keep sane was plug in her earphones during the day and try to imagine a different world in which everything was okay once again.

Everything had gone completely wrong.

The girls dynamic had been ruined. In front of camera's, Lauren had started clinging alongside Normani or Dinah, meanwhile Camila tried to stick along Ally. It just all felt stressful and Camila couldn't help to think that it was all her fault.

If only Lauren would listen to her...

Everything felt so cold and it was all it took to isolate herself from everyone and stay in her bunk. The green eyed girl wouldn't even look at her anymore. She acted like she didn't even exist. Although that hurt like hell, that wasn't what upset Camila the most.

Lauren would go out partying with friends she met in the state during the day and would arrive back to the tour bus around 3 in the morning.

Camila felt so worried for her. She herself couldn't sleep until she would hear Lauren arrive safely. Although majority of the time by safe, she meant drunk. And never would Lauren come home alone.

Camila would always have to shut her teary eyes tightly and blast music to drown out the giggling and kissing sounds that came from Lauren's bunk with a female she always brought home with her.

Camila had no idea who she was, but whoever she was, Lauren made sure she was always gone by the time everyone got up for breakfast.

It killed her to know that Lauren was seeing someone else. The more she tried to fix things and talk to her, the more Lauren disappeared. One day she tried to corner her to speaking to her; but Lauren pushed her out of the way and didn't come home for two days. She decided to stop after that. Camila preferred her being mad, but close to her, rather than mad and away from her.

She sighed to herself hearing Lauren's laugh from the farthest side of the couch. She really acted like nothing was wrong. Noticing her frustration, Ally's hand joined her's for support and she turned to give the blonde a soft smile.

"So ladies," the interview Savannah asked. Camila focused her attention back to the perky blonde. "If you could switch minds with anyone in the group, who would you choose?"

Camila perked up and sat up straight with a smile. Usually when interviewers asked this question, Lauren always picked her. Now she would have to associate with her!

"Let's start from the left, why don't you go first, Camila?"

Camila excitingly grabbed the microphone and brought it close to her lips.

"I would definitely switch minds with Lauren. I love how her mind works and how well educated she is. She has this great thirst for knowledge and I think a mind like hers could really change the world."

She quickly handed the microphone to Ally as the blonde began explaining why she would switch minds with Dinah.

She took a quick risk and peeked at Lauren to see what she thought about her answer. The green eyed girl was looking at her with something clearly visible in her eyes. Camila almost choked when she realized what it was.


As fast as lighting, Lauren quickly looked away. Camila cleared her throat and sat patiently as Dinah then explained why she would switch minds with Normani, followed by Normani explaining why she would switch minds with Ally. As Lauren's turn came up, Camila was almost falling out of the couch in nerves.

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