chapter 4

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As they read Ally's message, Lauren quickly grabbed her phone from inside her purse and unlocked it. Both she and Camila took a deep breath before opening the twitter app to see what was so important. Lauren didn't have to guess that it had something to do with them. She just wondered if it was good or bad.

It was a daily thing that their twitters would be crashing when they would try to look at their tweets from fans, that's the main reason why they learned to turn off notifications in their settings, but this was ridiculous. Each time they tried to see a notification, it would crash and refresh every second. It hadn't happened to them this bad before, they could hardly even see anything from how often it would crash and refresh.

Whatever happened, Camila could tell that it was making the fans tweet like crazy. She was about to go on Ally's twitter page for at least a clue, when she heard Lauren besides her.

"Oh my god."

"What?" Camila asked looking down at Laurens phone. Both she and Lauren gaped as they scanned what was making everyone crazy; a picture.

It was a picture taken at the hospital, when Lauren had apologized. Camila had her arms wrapped around Lauren's neck while they both stared deeply into each other's eyes. From the distance the picture was taken, it seemed as if they were close to kissing and it looked like Lauren was grabbing her butt.

Lauren sat emotionless, so Camila clicked on the source and found an extremely long thread. It was posted by a fan page of them. Apparently, a fan had been at the hospital and had seen them. Resulting in the flash of light that Camila saw was actually a flash from a photograph. She quickly scanned through the comments,

"It's fake I'm not falling for that crap"

"More receipts please"

"Omg guys camren rise!"

"Did they kiss?? Please post more"

"I always knew Lauren was an ass girl."

She felt Lauren stiffen up beside her so she quickly locked the phone and put it away.

"You okay?" Camila asked.

Lauren shrugged, "I honestly don't know," she picked at her fingernails uncomfortable. "Do you think we're going to be in trouble?"

Camila hadn't thought about that. She was surprised they hadn't heard from management yet. Maybe that was a good sign?

"It's probably going to die down in the morning. They probably don't even know anything," she rambled, trying to convince herself as well.

Their attention was taken when they arrived to the tour bus. They thanked the driver and quickly entered with great hesitation, but were greeted by silence.

All they were greeted with was just a note left on the counter;

Management wants to talk to us tomorrow. Meet in the courtyard at 8 before the interview. – Ally

Lauren turned to look at Camila with pure horror in her face. If Camila hadn't been so scared herself she would've laughed at how dramatic Lauren was being about the situation.

"What the hell do you suppose we do?"

"How could I know?" Camila replied. "Maybe it has nothing to do with us."

"You really believe that?" Lauren said with clear sarcasm in her voice.

"No," she said silently. "Maybe we could come up with a plan about why we were hugging? Or wait... Why do we have to explain why we were hugging?" It suddenly sounded so stupid. "Who cares whether or not we hug in public?"

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