chapter 21

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Lauren stared at her reflection on the mirror and sighed.

Her green eyes surrounded by darker hues of eye shadow made them glare even more intensely in the light and her silky raven hair was glowing in each direction she moved. The skin tight crimson gown she would wear in a few hours complimented her figure perfectly, but even all that wouldn't be able to hide the undeniable stress in her face.

Today was the day that the plan would set in motion with Sasha's rendezvous, and not only that, but she and Camila would be debuting their relationship public at the award show. In front of thousands, if not millions of people.

After asking Camila to be her date, Lauren was electrified by how quickly the brown haired girl had agreed in a heartbeat. Lauren always knew that Camila hated having to hide their relationship, but Lauren herself had always been the one in denial. Not anymore.

She wanted this more than ever. That specific brown eyed girl was the one that Lauren wanted to spend her entire life besides and she wanted the world to know that. But at the same time, she knew just how drastically it would affect her career because of the whole prejudice with the label and industry.

She grabbed her phone and scrolled to find Camila's most recent text that helped her calm her nerves a bit.

Camila Cabello: It's almost our time. Everyone will finally know how proud I am that you're mine.

"Everything okay?"

Lauren looked up finding comfort in Ally's kind brown eyes. The smaller girl pulled up the nearest chair and made herself comfortable, grabbing Lauren's phone out of her hands and placing it on the vanity. She gave the green eyed girl a soft smile and intertwined their hands together. Lauren smiled, feeling the warmth of Ally's hand on her own.

"Honestly? I'm nervous about today because there's so much happening. I'm just hoping the end results are positive." She responded with concern.

"Nervous about meeting up with Sasha, or coming out with Camila?" Ally tilted her head, glaring into the deep green eyes.

"Both. But mostly coming out with Camila," Lauren said as bit down roughly on her lip. "I guess i'm just mainly scared of the feedback, especially with the label and that devil, LA Reid."

Ally's lips pursed into a smile at the little nickname for LA Reid and they both erupted in small giggles.

"I'm a strong and sole believer that God makes plans for everything to take it's course." Ally began. She thought about his harsh words and furrowed her eyebrows. "Yes, I despise LA Reid for what he did to you and Camila, but I know that at the end of the day, fate takes it's course. It's all about taking control of your life. You were put in this world to live and be happy, and what makes you happy?"

"Camila does," Lauren smiled, remembering those soft brown eyes with flecks of gold that she always dreamt of.

"Duh," Ally laughed, squeezing her hand. "So why should there be barriers to love? Sure you'll hit a few bumps there and now, but what's to say you can't recover? Maybe the journey will be rough sometimes, but trust me- at the end of the day you'll be so happy because you have someone to share your life with. No more hiding, no more secrets. You'll finally be able to be you with the one you love."

"God, Ally." Lauren suddenly exhaled loudly, unaware that she had been holding in her breath the entire time. "They should call you Confucius."

Ally burst out in laughter, "I take it that helped?"

"Definitely," Lauren nodded furiously. She suddenly thought of something that hadn't crossed her mind before. "I just realized that now everyone will know my sexuality."

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