Peeve's New Wand

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Chapter Five

Lucy woke up early the next morning with no recollection of what happened the night before. She felt like it was all blurry or that could just be her vision. Lucy sat on her bed in the girl's dormitory with a sleeping Hermione, Lavender Brown, and Parvati Patil besides her.

She hopped out of bed and got dressed, heading down to Professor McGonagall's classroom. From what she remembered, her classroom was just down the hall to the right . . . Lucy crossed her fingers and knocked on the door, waiting for a response. Once she heard Professor McGonagall's strict voice, she let out a breath and walked in greeting a stack of papers.

"Good morning, Lucy, sorry for this . . . just trying to finish off some homework," Professor McGonagall spoke somewhere below the pile. Lucy didn't think it was only "some" but disregarded it.

"I was meaning to ask you a question, Professor."

"Go on — ask."

"Well, during the Sorting —"

"Oh, you're not regretting the choice, are you?" Professor McGonagall asked, a hint of disappointment in her voice. Though it was hidden immediately. "It's only been a day."

"No, not at all! I was just wondering why the Sorting Hat said my dad was in Slytherin and my mum in Gryffindor."

"Why? Their qualities most likely matched the requirements for the House, I mean, that's how the Sorting works and —"

"But my parents were both in Ravenclaw. I don't understand how they could've been in those other Houses if they claimed otherwise."

"That — that is very unusual . . . I shall consult the headmaster as soon as possible. You might want to ask your mother and father too. You could have misheard it."

When everyone was in the Great Hall for breakfast, she searched over the waves of students until she spotted jet-black, flaming-red, and messily brown hair. Hermione was waving her over to the Gryffindor table. She could hear some Slytherins laughing at her as she passed. Probably because she was Sorted with the first years.

By the time she reached Hermione, at least one-quarter of a table was whispering in her wake. Hermione flipped her to stare into her brown eyes. She whispered, "Don't listen to them. They're idiots."

Ron cheered, "Finally, for once it's not me!"


Breakfast went by in a flash. One minute she was eating and messing around with the Golden Trio the next she's walking to her classes with Hermione by her side, showing her the rooms.

"That's Professor Flickwit's classroom; and that's Professor McGonagall's! You probably already know since you went there already. And — we're here."

As she checked her schedule, Professor Snape's Potion class was on the very top. She had him for only an hour, Divination for another hour, and then Defense Against the Dark Arts before lunch began. She had no choice but to pick Divination. The other subjects just didn't seem interesting to her ("Come on!" Hermione pleaded. "Arithmancy is amazing."). But, Harry and Ron told Professor McGonagall to place her in Divination before she could reply to add more subjects.

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