The Quiddich Match

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Chapter Nine

Today was the first Quiddich match of the school year. She was so excited! Lucy had slipped on her Gryffindor-colored robe over her head this morning and made sure to say good luck to her boys and girl — Harry, Ron, Fred, George, and Ginny. Harry was nervous, as she could tell, but from what she's heard, there's no doubt Gryffindor was going to win against Hufflepuff.

"Harry, stop stressing out!" Lucy said. "Look at Luna — she's got her Gryffindor spirit going on!"

Luna Lovegood was a blonde, odd witch. She was sitting over at the Ravenclaw table with her gigantic lion on her head. It roared very often, but Lucy didn't care. She was showing her spirit in her own, unique way.

Theodore Nott over by the Slytherin table was laughing at the hat. He was pointing and evidently saying rude things about it. Lucy thought a little . . . schooling would do Nott some good. So, she sent a silent, little gift over to him.

There was a commotion over by him. He had banged his head on his way into the air, being held by the ankle. Lucy couldn't help but walk over to the Slytherin table with her hands crossed over her chest. "Next time you talk about Luna's hat, you're getting something way worse."

Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, and even little Miss Pansy Parkinson stood up, imitating her. They were trying to scare her off by glaring at her, but living with Death-Eaters made you tougher than a diamond.

"Nice try, kids. But that isn't going to work."

Lucy left the table and headed for the grounds. There was nothing like the nice breeze brushing through her hair and the sunlight that could ever deprive her of happiness. She heard a voice below her.

"Nice weather, right?"

There was a dark, green snake. It was large, taller than herself. Lucy knew better than to ignore a snake. She had been taught manners.

"It is very nice, indeed. How are you?"

"I'm great. I'm Nagini."

"I'm Lucy. Nagini, shouldn't you be in the woods? I've never seen a snake on the grounds before."

"Ah, yes, snakes don't like to be on Hogwarts grounds. More towards the lake, by the Merpeople; they're more welcoming. I've been sent here to you. I will be your friend from now on."

"Who were you sent from?"

"I'm from —"

Nagini wasn't able to finish her sentence because of shouting.

"Lucy!" Harry called. "Lucy!"

"Yes, Harry?" she answered.

"You're a Parselmouth?"

Lucy was shocked. She didn't know others knew about the language. "Yeah, I've always been able to. I've been befriending snakes since I was born."

"What — I can speak it too."

Wow, she didn't know that. She knew that not a lot of people spoke it, but she had honestly thought she would be the only Hogwarts student to be able to communicate with snakes.

"I didn't know that. But, hold on, I was talking to —" But when she turned back around, Nagini was gone.


The match had started. Madam Hooch had sent all fourteen players up into the sky. Lucy could spot Harry, the Seeker, above everyone else, looking for the Golden Snitch. Fred and George, the Beaters, were hitting any Bludger they could set eyes on. Ron was positioned by the posts as the Keeper. He had been nervous all morning, not eating at all.

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