Hogwarts Express

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Chapter Twenty-Five

Today was the last day of school.

All the students were packing their trunks, getting ready to leave after lunch. Lucy was taking her sweet time, not wanting to leave Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She had really grown on the people here, and all the bricks . . . well, basically everything had a piece of her heart.

"Lucy, hurry up," Hermione said with a sigh. "Lunch is about to begin."

Lucy placed the last objects inside her trunk. She looped her arm with Hermione's and the two left the room for some great food. Lucy and Hermione walked slowly like everyone else. It may be their fifth year, but soon enough, they'll be leaving the school forever. Unless you apply to be a teacher, of course.

She still hadn't seen Dumbledore for the pass few weeks. He disappeared out of the blue, Umbridge style. Lucy sat down besides Hermione, waiting for Harry and Ron to come inside the Great Hall.

Lucy felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked behind her and was greeted with a long, white beard, belonging to the one and only Albus Dumbledore.

"Do you have a minute? I would like to speak to you in my office."

Lucy nodded. She whispered to Hermione that she'd be leaving for a bit and followed the headmaster. He was limping a bit, but it was barely there. She could have imagined it.

When they reached his desk, Harry was sitting in one of the chairs in front of it. He looked behind him and smiled at his best friend. She sat in the other chair beside him.

"So," Dumbledore said as he sat down in his chair. "I heard from Professor McGonagall that you had some information about Voldemort, Lucy?"

"Yes," she answered. And she retold everything, paying close attention to Harry to make sure he kept quiet. He didn't say a word throughout the whole story, though. "I thought it was something important."

"Indeed, it is. Now we know more about the second prophecy. Harry, you still are the Chosen One, and Lucy . . . you're destined to help Harry Potter. You may not know how to defeat him, but you will soon. It takes time, and right now, time is what we have."

She nodded. "I was wondering . . . why are you limping?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I tripped on the way inside the school. I'm old, and a klutz. You two may leave now. Go eat before the train arrives."

Harry and Lucy stood up from their seats and headed towards the door.

"Oh, and Lucy?" Dumbledore spoke one last time. She looked over her shoulder. He smiled. "You are always welcomed here at Hogwarts. But do not come next year. You may come back seventh year if you'd like. Your family really misses you, and I advise you stay indoors. We will meet again soon, my dear."


Lucy was lugging her trunk behind her like the rest of the students with her best friends at her side. They were sitting in a compartment of the Hogwarts Express, watching the trees blur passed them. Lucy closed her eyes.

"I'm going to miss this." Ron sighed. "We're not even going to see you next year, Lucy. Dumbledore told you to stay home."

"I know. But I'll come back seventh year, promise. Nothing will keep me away from my best friends."

Hermione leaned over and hugged her. "We'll really miss you. I'm going to send an owl everyday, and we will all see each other over the summer. And that means everyone. We'll get you out of the house, Harry, no worries."

Lucy Riddle and the Boy Who LivedWhere stories live. Discover now