The Grim

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Chapter Thirty

We're staying at the Malfoy Manor for a while. The Dark Lord had summoned all the Death-Eaters there just recently after you left. He asked questions about you, but we told him you were away with friends for the week. He didn't probe any further.

    If you are ever in danger, Nymphadora's mum is my sister. Andromeda will help you if you're in any sort of danger. Got it? Cool. Owl back when you see this so I know you'r safe. Dad and Grandma said hi.



Lucy was glad to know her family was safe. She was worried the Dark Lord might somehow find out about their rebellious ways, but she has faith in them. They were very precautions people and wouldn't tell just anyone about something so dangerous.

She wondered though. Why do they have to go to the Malfoy Manor? What's going on? Is Voldemort planning on attack the Order of the Phoenix? Something was wrong. Definitely wrong.


Lucy was drinking a cup of tea with the Golden Trio. And Ron, being the playful and very sarcastic person he was, took her cup and examined it. "I think I remember some of Trelawney's lessons . . . hold on, let me think . . ."

He stared at her cup, spinning it around with his fingers until he remembered a familiar-looking image from the Divination textbook. Ron couldn't put his finger on what it was. He knew it looked so familiar, but what was it again?

It took him a few minutes to figure it out. He gasped. His hand started to shake. "T-this is the Grim. And I'm being serious this time, Lucy. You have the Grim."

Lucy stilled. "Nothing might happen."

Harry shook his head. "No, something will. I thought something wasn't going to happen years ago, and it did. I got the Grim, and I nearly died during a Quiddich match."

Lucy started feeling lightheaded. Hermione was gripping her shoulder, trying to comfort her silently. She shook her head lightly and took in deep breaths. Lucy needed to calm down and think rationally.

"Guys, Bellatrix, Rodolphus, Dolohov, and all the Death-Eaters were summoned to the Malfoy Manor," she blurted out. "I think they're something going on with the Dark Lord; I think he's planning something."

Hermione soaked in this information. Her index finger was tapping her chin as she mumbled, "Hmm." She racked her brain for a hypothesis for why the Death-Eaters required to go to the Malfoy Manor. You-Know-Who wouldn't just bring them all in at one place when there were locations to be guarded.

But she couldn't think of anything. Neither could Ron or Harry who were getting headaches from trying to think too hard. Lucy massaged her temples, taking in deep breaths as she shut her eyes. She tried to imagine being the Dark Lord. What would she need?

In her mind, she saw a large number of Death-Eaters in front of her. Bellatrix, Rodolphus, and Dolohov were at her right side, staring ahead. Their stance was stiff and expressions were emotionless.

Her voice was cold and deep when she said, "My friends, we are here today to take back my daughter and capture Harry Potter. We are going to end this war, once and for all."


There was a knock on the door. Mrs. Weasley opened it and greeted the person with great enthusiasm. She widened the door just enough for him to come in. His white beard was long and his spectacles were just the same just as they had been when they last saw him at Hogwarts.

"Hello," he said with a smile as he saw Lucy, Hermione, Harry, and Ron sitting at the table. "Long time, no see."

Ron stood up and offered him his seat, but he waved him off, magicking his own chair out of thin air. He sat down on the cushion, watching Lucy's glazed look.

They all stared at Lucy for a while until she gasped for breath, perspiration running down her forehead. She couldn't grasp a clean breath of air as she recalled what just happened. Lucy examined the room to make sure she was in the Burrow. Everything was the same except for one additional person: Albus Dumbledore.


Dumbledore had his hands folded on the table. He had a calm, patient persona that made people want to tell him everything. That was what Lucy thought once she saw him. He can fix it. Albus Dumbledore can fix anything.

"Dumbledore — something is wrong. Voldemort is planning on capturing Harry and me. He's round up all the Death-Eaters and is making a plan as we speak," Lucy announced. "He wants me because I'm his daughter, and Harry to kill him. That is to say unless he knows about the second prophecy and has decided to kill the both of us."

He nodded his head. "You are very clever. And you found this out, how?"

"I-I don't really know how I did it. I just imagined myself being the Dark Lord and it just . . . happened. I was able to look inside his mind." Lucy was sure not even Harry was able to voluntarily do that.

Dumbledore was in deep thought. Never had he heard of a situation like that . . . but it could be possible. Lucy watched as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a wand.

"Here," he whispered, handing Lucy her wand. "I found it in the Ministry that day you were ambushed. I was planning on giving it back to you, but I didn't think you would need it.

"I also came here to tell you about your history, Lucy. Harry, you shall stay here and listen. Hermione and Ron, if you wish, you may also stay. I believe you two should hear what I have to say. It may be important later on.

"I saw your Patronus during one of the D.A meetings Harry used to have. You had a snake. You may have wondered why that is. It represents your great-grandfather: Marvolo. He's a descendent of Salazar Slytherin. You and your father share the same Patronus. His mother was the daughter of Marvolo. You've taken her name, Merope. She fell in love with a Muggle by the name Tom Riddle. She did all she could to make him fall in love with her." Dumbledore continued on with the story, making sure there was no information left unsaid.

"Now that I've told you four this, you have to decide. It is your duty to do what you think is right. Off you go on your journey to find the Horcruxes. You have two paths — whatever you choose will be neither right nor wrong, unless you follow the path of evil."

The four led Dumbledore to the exit. Lucy gave him a hug, muttering, "Thank you . . . for returning my wand."

He gave her a squeeze and unraveled himself from her, hopping onto his broom. "Goodbye, my children; I shall see you all another time.

"Oh, wait, before I forget — Lucy, disarm me."

Lucy shook her head. "Why?"

"Just . . . do it. Its part of my gift."

Lucy did as she was told and said, "Expelliarmus!"

His wand landed in her outstretched hand. She gave it back to him. Dumbledore pushed off the ground and sailed away. The four stared at his retreating figure and watched him go. When he was almost out of sight, he stopped. Another shape was in front of him. The lot ran out to get a closer look at the scene.

Right in front of Dumbledore was Severus Snape with his wand pointed at the headmaster's chest. They couldn't hear anything with the loud winds, but Lucy could see Snape's mouth form the word, Avada Kedavra, and a frail body plummeting to the ground.

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