Dumbledore's Army and the Unexpected Package

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Chapter Fifteen

Harry cornered her the next morning. He had been wondering a lot about their conversation and something seemed a bit . . . odd. He had to get to the bottom of things.

"Lucy," he said slowly. "How do you know about the Horcruxes?"

Lucy's mouth dropped. She knew all about Horcruxes, which were objects dark wizards used to keep a bit of their soul in. Sort of like keeping taking a chunk of your soul and putting it in a safe. Lucy had never seen one, but Dolohov had told her all about those dark objects.

"I don't know about whatever Horcrux you're referring to, Harry. No idea what you're talking about. Do elaborate though."

He didn't say anything. Harry just up and left.


Returning to Hogwarts wasn't something everyone wanted to do. The holidays were a great time for the students for they had started to miss their families, and their favorite foods. Especially for Lucy who spent most of the holidays with her friends and, of course, Fred Weasley.

Nobody — with the exception of the Slytherin in the beginning of class — missed the potion master, Professor Snape. He was even more excruciating than before, having assigned the whole class one full foot of homework about a potion they had never discussed about in class. Even the Slytherins were complaining on their way out.

Hermione walked with Lucy to the Great Hall. But as the Hall was in sight, she steered Lucy away from it into a random bathroom. Lucy felt that Hermione was going to make her do her homework in the bathroom again, and as she was about to leave, Hermione spoke.

"Listen, there's a D.A — Dumbledore's Army — meeting tonight at eight, and I was wondering if you . . . maybe . . . want to come?"

Hermione was giving her hopeful look. "I mean — if you can't go, that's fine too —"

Lucy smiled. "Of course I want to go! Don't you remember me telling you I'd be going to one?"

"Oh yeah, just forgot."

Hermione led them back to the Hall where the two boys were trying to figure out how to copy off of Hermione's homework without her noticing. Lucy casted, "Langlock!" on them and watched as they still tried to talk while their tongues were glued to the tops of their mouths.


Lucy decided that today was a nice day to go outside. She had some free-time to herself and planned to use that time to try out her Firebolt. Lucy hadn't had the time to test it out yet due to everything that's happened lately.

She loved the breeze. It fanned through her hair and skimmed her cheeks. Lucy kicked off the ground and zoomed around the outskirts of the school, heading to the Quiddich field. There wasn't anyone there, and she decided that she'd use the space for a little practice. She was rusty, but nothing like that would stop her.

Lucy found a box full of the flying balls. She specifically released the Bludger and grabbed a nearby club, ready to hit it as it soared straight at her. When Lucy heard the satisfying crack of the Bludger on the club, she flew her way around the field to hit it another time.

An hour and a half later, she felt her arms starting to get sore. She caught the Bludger and placed it back inside it's respective box. There was clapping behind her and out came Angelina Johnson, the Gryffindor team captain.

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