chapter 4

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Not long after Tony had left, Kellin had told Vic that he was feeling nauseous and made Vic go back to his own room so he could be alone. Vic, not knowing what else to do with his night, went a joined the rest of his band in the foyer of the hotel. Sinking into a plush leather armchair, he was met by the gaze of his younger brother; Mike.

"so-" he coughed "a little birdy told me that you were in kellin's room earlier.. or more rather; on his floor..."

The lead peirce shot a cold glare in Tony's direction, but the Bassist didn't respond, he just kept fumbling with the sleeves of his tattered jacket and looking as helpless as a whipped puppy. No one could ever stay mad at Tony for that long; it just wasn't possible.

"listen bro" Mike started, a concerned undertone finding its way into his stern words, "this isn't you. This has never been you. Music has always been everything we've ever needed, and i dont want you throwing this tour away because you developed some sort of fanboy crush on the lead singer of the band that is touring with us. If the tabloids found out about this; it could ruin everything. Don't you understand that maybe some things are better left untouched, for the sake of our future, and the bands future?"

Anger began to pulsate through vic, making him snap. "so what, Mike! you know what, im GAY! Screw all of the tabloids, they can eat their hearts out with that, so go back to your drumming, baby brother, and keep your nose out of my FUCKING personal life!"

five minutes later,  The lead peirce turned up outside of kellins room and knocked on the door. with sleep still clutching at his brain, Kellin groggily slid the catch open and peered at Vic through the crack in the door. "Vic.. what's the matter?", Unable to contain himself or hide behind his anger, Vic burst into tears. Kellin stared helplessly at this broken man, wondering what could have gone so wrong for him to break his perfectly cool exterior and cry.

"kell', im sorry. im so so sorry. but whatever we have, this ends here" he choked. "i know im being a cunt, but you have to realise that the moment this gets out, it puts the whole tour in jeopardy"

Kellin was unable to speak. Sure, what had just happened was only breif, but it meant something more. he was only just beginning to feel things that he had never felt before, and it was strange and beautiful, but however small it was, he didn't want it to end right there and then.

"listen vic, i cant do this. we have something, you know we do. fuck the tabloids, fuck everyone, all we need is each other" Kellin said, leaning against the door frame to steady his already weak and shaking legs.

"I-, i cant go on like this, kel, you know i cant. my band is my life. you? your just a passing phase" it hurt vic to lie to kellin, to lie to himself. he knew that to hurt kellin was the only way to sort this mess out.

"go" kellin whispered, barely audiable. Vic tried to pull Kellin into one last hug, but the lead Pierce flinched. "i said GO!" Kellin cried, and slammed the door in Vic's face.

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