For him

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Emma's POV :

Ma'am your flight have landed the lady said

I thanked her and packed my stuff

I looked at my phone it's basically 1:00 am in LA right now

So basically I've been up for 24 hours , it's just that I couldn't sleep in the plane because of the old women next to me started talking about her life and sons

I just ignored her and started listening to my music 

I took my blue suitcase that had some gold polka dots on it

As I was walking out of the plane I heard some one call my name through the crowd

I look for the sound and I see a tall guy with brown hair RUNNING towards me

He hugs me so I hug him back

Emma I missed you so much Devan started talking

Me too I replied

Come on let's go to the apartment he said

I nod in delight knowing I'll finally sleep again

Devan refused that I carry my suitcases so he carried them for me

So the car ride wasn't that silent but it was real awkward

We talked about our child hood memories and stuff like that

After a while of talking we arrived at Devan's apartment

Before I opened the car's door Devan started talking

Emma I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you that I have a room mate that's my brother you'll be sleeping in the same room cuz we didn't coordinate our plans for you coming in to stay with us he said

Nah it's ok I replied with a warm smile

As we got out of the car , Devan searched for his keys to open the apartments door

Shot I'm so stupid ! he mumbled under his breath

I looked at him while he got him phone out and called someone

Hey collins I forgot the door's keys inside can you please open the door for me Devan asked politely talking through the phone

Ok the guy on the other end replied and hung up

I heard really light foot steps from the other side of the door after a few seconds a shirtless guy opened the door he looks so HOT and I think that this is collins , he looked at me then at Devan , I started staring at his perfect blue eyes

After that he walked towards the couch and started checking all his social media stuff

Devan snapped his fingers in front of my face and got me out of my day dream

And motioned me to enter the house I smiled and did what he asked for

He lead me into my room and I started unpacking my stuff as he reminded me that I have to call my dad cuz he'll freak out if I don't call him

Ok thanks for reminding me tho I said while smiling

As he left the room he told me that he has some things to do outside the city so I'll be stuck her with collins I smiled

It's ok he's more cool and chill if you get to know him and surprisingly he's quite fun but really crazy Devan said interrupting my thoughts

I smiled again then completed unpacking as he left the room

After a while I finished unpacking which is believable cuz I don't have a lot of clothes to pack and I don't really like makeup so I'm not like the other girls who have like 3 suitcases filled with make up

I went towards the kitchen searching for something to drink

I searched the kitchen for some tea bags cuz I don't really like coffee TBH it tastes like dirt

As I was searching I felt I light tap on my shoulder I looked up to see collins looking at me and then said you need some help ? He asked

Yea thanks for asking I was just searching for some tea bags I replied

Well you shouldn't search in people's personal places he said in a mean tone while rolling his eyes

After that he opened a cupboard and got some tea bags out and grinned at me and walked lazily towards couch

Did I do something wrong ? I asked

He stooped walking and looked at me

What do you mean ? He asked

I mean I just arrived and you don't seem to like me I replied

He sat on the couch while ignoring me

After a while I finished drinking my tea and went down stairs to bring my laptop

I sat on the couch away from collins and started staring at my laptop for a car rental place

Collins looked at what I was searching and said if you need a car you can use mine he said while smiling

Thanks I replied then started blushing cuz collins was staring at me

When is Devan coming back ? I asked trying to start a conversation 

About 11:00 or 12:00 pm he replied

So I'm stuck with you for the whole night I said sarcastically

He laughed and lightly punched my shoulder

Its getting real late I should probably go to sleep now I said

Ok have a good night he smiled as I disappeared down stairs

I lay on my bed trying to go to sleep

And I thought do I have felling for him ?  


Hey guys I know I changed the whole story but I do like this story more so yea I'm so sorry onedirection_443

Hope you guys liked this chapter PEACE ! ❤️

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