What love does

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Emma's POV :

I woke up the next day as the sunlight hit my eyes directly

I smiled as I looked at collins he was sleeping so quietly

I got changed really quietly
Cuz I don't wanna wake collins up plus he looks so CUTE.

I got changed and went upstairs to get some breakfast but we were out of FREAKING cereal

So I had to go to the grocery store to get some

Collins' POV :

I woke up and looked on my left but Emma wasn't there I freaked out and started screaming her name but they're was no response

I called Devan to tell him what Judy happened but I couldn't CUZ he'll kill me

I tried to calm down a bit

After a while I heard someone knocking the door I opened it and saw Emma smiling warmly at me

I hugged her so tightly that there was no air between us

After we pulled away I looked at her and said GOD DAMN IT Emma you FREAKIN' scared me to death I was about to die if I lost you

I looked at her lips and started biting mine

I thought about it in my mind for a second

And I started leaning in she leaned in too

And FINALLY our lips meet sparks flew everywhere

After we pulled away I looked at her and said I LOVE YOU Emma

I LOVE you too collins I said while kissing him on the cheek

And then we decided to watch a movie

We decided on watching
"the planet of the apes"

After awhile of cuddling and watching movies I started to drift to sleep


Emma's POV :

I woke up at 11:47 pm and looked at collins who was sleeping so I decided to get up to see if Devan has arrived I went to his room and saw that he wasn't there I tried to call him but he didn't answer

I woke up collins to tell him what happened

Collins wake up come on sleepy head ! I said

" Morning em " he smiled

Morning collins ok so wake up now I tried calling Devan but he wouldn't answer

After a few seconds we heard some foot steps on the other side of the door

We freaked out and I ran towards the kitchen and collins sat on the couch using his phone tryna act normal

Devan opened the door and looked at Collins then at me still ignoring each other he asked

Without any response I ran towards him and hugged him I missed you so much Devan I can't believe your finally back , I was stuck with the IDIOT for a whole night i said sarcastically

Hey! Collins said offended

I know he was dying inside not to hug me or kiss me while Devan is here

I laughed and sat on the couch listing to music

What's up little bro collins asked

Nothin' much bad boy Devan replied while laughing

Does anyone want tea I offered

Both of them nodded

So I prepared the tea cups and gave them there cup

I sat on the couch listening to music again

After a while Devan went downstairs

I felt someone take off one of my ear buds and put them in there ears

What are you listening to ? Collins asked

Youth by troy Sivan I replied

I love this song , you know I actually preformed magic for Troy in VIDCON

Cool I replied

After a while Devan came up stairs so we separated

And collins went down stairs so Devan and I were upstairs alone

It was really silent

then Devan unplugged one of my ear phones and put it in his ear

We started singing along then we put the song on full volume and started dancing around the room

After a while collins came upstairs so we stopped the music

I'm sorry I forgot your were trying to go to sleep

Nah it's ok my angel he said then kissed me on the cheek

He finally realized that Devan is here and just stopped

We looked at Devan who ran out of the apartment

I was so freaked out so I followed him

I was shouting in the streets


I was so freaked out I sat on the cold bench all alone

Then I heard foot steps from behind the bench

I looked behind me and saw collins

I smiled at him

He hugged me and said its gonna be ok

I smiled at him

Come on let's go home Devan is probably at his friends house

Ok I replied

After a while

We heard a knock on the apartments door

And I thought who could it be ?

I opened the door and saw a guy holding Devan

He passed out the guy informed me

I shrieked and helped the guy carry Devan and place him peacefully on the couch

Devan wake up I begged him too

After a while Devan finally woke up

Devan I'm so sorry I broke the promise we decided that there no sec -

Shut up will ya Devan said in a mean tone

I was so shocked about what Devan just said to me

I sat on the couch and started crying

LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE ! Collins screamed at Devan  

Devan opened his eyes and looked at me and said I'm so so sorry I didn't mean to hurt your feelings

It's ok Devan we shocked you more than you shocked me I smile at Devan

I SWARE I'm so so so sorry Devan said

It's ok we're best friend right I said

Right and always we said in unison

Let's watch a movie I suggested

Let's watch the hunger games collins suggested

Sure , we all agreed

I cuddled up next to collins and started drifting to sleep

That's just what love does


I know this is kinda good hope you like it bye tho 💙

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