If i have too

817 16 20

Collins ' POV :

After Emma hung up I knew that I was wrong so I had to make it up to her, some how

- a month later -

Emma's POV :

Devan is calling wondering what he wants I answered the phone

Hey what's up I said

It's just that I want you to come back home he said

I was gonna talk to you about that cuz Jess is moving to Canada

So I can't stay at her place so I'm coming back I said

K , plus I'm so sorry about collins I know it would be weird for you guys he said

Nah it's ok see you in a few hours I replied

After I hung up I informed Jess that I'm heading back home to collins' apartment

She helped pack my stuff , and Then we said our goodbyes

After that I was waiting for Devan to pick me up

It's would be really weird between me and collins tho

After a while Devan showed up and I took my place in the passenger seat

The ride was really silent and awkward

And my fav song youth by troye sivan went on the radio

Devan and I exchanged glances and started singing along it was loads of fun

When we arrived at the apartment I felt real weird of going in and having collins there cuz we haven't talked in a month after our fight

I prayed to God that he wasn't there

But OFCOURSE to my bad luck he was there siting on the couch

I just tried not to stare at him but I couldn't he was so HOT !

when he noticed me he gave me a weak smile

I smiled back cuz IDK

After a couple minutes Devan Got a call from his friend to pick him up

So I was left with collins which was really awkward tho

After a while I went to the kitchen to make me some tea

He looked at me and got the tea bags out and smiled at me

Thanks I said in a really LOW voice

As I was heading down to my room ( Collins' room )

He held my hand I let go and completed walking

Listen Emma I'm so sorry about what happened and our fight and Maddie

I didn't really mean that to happen I'm so sorry collins said

I completed walking

He held my hand and turned me around

He started singing

" and when the lights start flashing and the stars start exploding we'll be fire proof cuz my youth is yours "

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2016 ⏰

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