Because of her

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Emma's POV :

I woke up at 1:00 AM and saw that collins wasn't there

After awhile I heard the shower come off

And I see collins shirtless , I just couldn't help but stare

He looked at me and said are you done staring he asked ?

I blushed lightly and said I can't sleep

Me too he agreed

So I'm going to the park about 2 blocks away wanna join ? He asked

Sure why not ? I replied

- at the park -

We were sitting on the bench looking at the stars

After a while I placed my head on collins' shoulder and started gazing at the stars

Collins ? I heard an unfamiliar voice

Maddie ? He asked astonished

Yes it's me Maddie Edwards she replied

He stood up and hugged her so my head fell and hit the bench HARD !

I've missed you so much he said while smiling

" UHM ! " I said tryna remind collins I was there

Oh this is my FRIEND Emma he introduced me to Maddison ( BARBIE )

You know Maddison here was my childhood BFF we actually grew up together he informed me

She shook my hand and said were probably BFF's

So Maddie come on sit with us he motioned

She smiled and saw BETWEEN collins and I

They started talking about there childhood and stuff like that

After 25 minutes I got really annoyed cuz it was so BORING

I'm getting tired we should probably head back home I informed

Sure I'll walk you home he said

Collins we live to -

He cut me off and said I was talking to Madison he replied in a mean tone

So after that the walk home was pretty boring I was third wheeling ( OFCOURSE )

So here we are collins said to BARBIE

Thanks for walking me home collins she said

No problem BABE he replied

She kissed him on the cheek and went inside

The walk home to Collins' apartment was silent after her walked BARBIE home

- at home -

I took my stuff and headed out the door

What's wrong ? He asked

Oh nothing I replied

Were you goin' ? He asked

To my friends house I said

Oh ok I guess have FUN he replied

- at my friends house -

I knocked on the door after a few second my friend opened the door

Then said hey what's up ? How are you ?

I'm good I said in a sad tone

What's wrong ? she asked

Nothing I'll tell you later I smiled

Ok so are you staying her she asked

Yes is that ok with you ? I asked hoping for a yes

Yea it's ok my parents are out of town for a month

Thanks Jess I replied

No problem she smiled

After a few hours collins called

Hey what's up he asked

Nothing I replied

So did you like Maddison ? He asked

Collins I'll talk to you later gotta go to sleep I said

Why did you change the subject when I brought up Maddie ? He asked

Collins I told you I'm tired I'll talk to you tomorrow 

Then I hung up

After that I cleared my mind and slept


When I woke up my phone was BLOWN up with text messages

I got 5 miss calls from collins

47 messages and 3 voice mails

I think he got REALLY mad when I hung up on him yesterday

So I called him back

Hey collins I said

Oh look who it is he said

What ?! It's not my fault I was tired

Yea but why did you change the subject when I mentioned Maddie ? He asked

It's just when she came you totally forgot that I was there I had to FREAKIN' remind you that I shouted through phone

And you treated me so BADLY !

All because of her

There's nothing between us he said

And I had to listen about you cruddy little CHILDHOOD all the time

And the worst thing is rant you introduced me as your FRIEND !

Do you FREAKIN' know that I'm your girlfriend or were just pretending ?!

And you called her BABE and she kissed you on the cheek and you say there's nothing between you guys !

I was so mad then he started shouting at me that made my blood BOIL!

I hung up again and started crying

Is this how our relationship gonna end , is it all because of her ?


I know this chapter is kinda short I guess but I hope you guys like it

And PLZ read onedirection_443 story I would really appreciate it

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