Chapter 1

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A young Italian woman, about 26 got down from the black Mercedes and gracefully walked towards the mansion followed by two men. A middle aged man wearing a sad expression greeted her at the doorstep. With black hair having white strands here and there and slightly wrinkled face, this man seemed very troubled.

"You must be Jessica Bianchi. I am Noah, Noah Shaw."

"Ah, Signore Shaw! Pleased to meet you", the young woman said extending her hand.

Tall, bronze skinned, long dark hair falling on her back, heavy Italian accent. There was something mysterious about this young woman.

"As you know.... about my daughter...... I'm really glad that you could come and see us all the way from Milan. My wife hasn't been able to handle this well."

"Signore, it's  my job. I'm always there to help. I understand that it has been hard on your wife, your daughter's sudden disappearance. I will try my best to find your daughter."

"Thank you so much Miss Bianchi, please do come inside."

Three sets of footsteps followed Noah Shaw down the long hallway. The clicking of tall heels on the marble floor echoed through the hall. Noah Shaw led his three guests to the dining table. Jessica Bianchi sat opposite Noah Shaw while the two other men, her assistants took the seats on either side of her.

After everyone was seated at the dining table, Jessica broke the silence.

"Signore Shaw, I would like to interrogate your entire family, you know, just so I can gather some information on your daughter. I would like to start with you."

"Yes, certainly Miss Bianchi. Please go ahead."

"So, Signore,

how old is she?"

"Just turned seventeen. In fact it was her seventeenth birthday day before yesterday."

"So, she had a party I assume?"

"Yes, right here at our house, actually the pool house to be precise. We have a double storied house by the pool. And the party was there."

"Where exactly were you and your wife during the party day before yesterday?"

"Oh, actually Rosetta wanted us to give the mansion to her and her friends for the night so we decided to go to New York for the weekend. We were enjoying ourselves there until yesterday morning say around 8, I got a call from my older son, Marcus saying that Rosetta was nowhere to be found."

"Hmm, so the abduction or whatever disappearance must have occurred before eight in the morning."

"And how are your other kids taking this news?"

"Actually my kids don't share a very warm relationship. They go most days without talking to each other, you could say. But my younger son, Stefan is sort of close to Rosetta. He seems the only one to be concerned."

"Okay, thank you Signore Shaw. I would like to talk to your kids one at a time. if you could send them here, please?"

Noah Shaw stood up, a worried expression on his face and exited the dining hall to bring his kids down to the dining hall.

"My, my one big family this one", the man to the right of Jessica, named Rudolfo spoke up for the first time.

"Yeah, six members. Guess this case will keep me in Philadelphia for quite long" Jessica replied.

The Murder Of Rosetta ShawWhere stories live. Discover now