Chapter 7

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James walked looking at a photograph in his hand. It was the same photograph that Jessica had been examining with so much interest the other day. It was 3 AM in the morning and Jessica had fallen asleep on a chair.

"Ma'am, wake up, will you?" James tapped on Jessica's arm.

"What is it?" Jessica cracked open her eyelids and turned to James.

"The blood. It's not her's. Rosetta's."

"Uh, what?" Jessica turned around and drifted off to sleep again.

"She's very tired." Rudolfo took the chair beside Jessica.

"Hmm" James nodded and sat on the sofa.

"So, what do we do?" Jessica looked cluelessly at James and Rudolfo while sipping at her own tea.

"We just have to interrogate the others, I mean you haven't spoken to the younger brother, right?" Rudolfo said.

"No, no, I met him yesterday. He was quiet angry about this whole thing, about me doing nothing. He is just a bit stressed about Rosetta. The other day, Noah Shaw said that he was the closest sibling to her. Call forensics and get a match now that they're involved."

"But we just arrived here. And besides, she was probably killed two days back, I mean how else do you expect the dry blood and- and the CSI said the same thing!" James spoke up this time.

"She was murdered around 7 PM the day before yesterday. She was sedated before that. Now, we don't know if the sedatives killed her or the bullet. There is fair chance that the sedatives killed her. CSI said she was given a lot of sedatives- enough to kill a horse. Could have killed her as well. Did any of you see how many gun wounds were there?"

"There was just one, on her lower torso." Rudolfo shrugged and looked at James while James nodded and confirmed.

"I'm positive that it was the sedatives. Like 90-10, it was the sedatives." Jessica told the duo.

"The funeral is not until tomorrow, right?" James asked.

"Yep, tomorrow, will it be alright if we go to the Shaw's today? I want to see Florence." Jessica asked for suggestion.

"Ma'am, I think it will be better to call her outside, you could meet her somewhere- Hawn's? I don't think that it is the right time to meet the other Shaw's." Rudolfo suggested.

"Yeah, right. How the hell do we get her number?" Jessica rolled her eyes at Rudolfo's suggestion.

"Oooor, you could just meet her at the funeral tomorrow." James said.

"My question is, if she died already from the sedatives, why did the killer shoot her? Or why was she even drugged if the killer shot her anyway? Oh, my, I am so confused." Jessica started banging her fist on the table.

Meanwhile at Claudia's house, five friends were sitting at the dining table. Xiang had literally cried a river. Claudia and Christopher seemed to be lost in their own thoughts while Jonathan was comforting Elizabeth.

Xiang's phone vibrated in her jeans pocket, luckily nobody noticed. She slipped out the phone and checked her new notification.

"Guys, I'll be right back." Xiang spoke through tears.

"Wait, do you want me to come with you?" Claudia offered.

"No, it's fine. I'm just going to the bathroom." Xiang lied smoothly.

When she was out of sight, Xiang began running till she reached the backdoor which was at the kitchen. She creaked open the door to a tall, handsome boy.

"What is it?" Xiang hissed.

"Come out, beautiful." the boy told.

"Are you kidding me, they're all here."

"Our stupid pawns will take care of everything if at all anything goes wrong."

"They are only with us on condition. If they find out, they're going to ditch us!"

"Okay, I'll make it fast." 

Xiang got out, closing the door carefully.

The Murder Of Rosetta ShawWhere stories live. Discover now