Chapter 6

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Jessica was walking down the porch when a tall muscular boy with jet black hair and tattoos on his arms approached her.

"Jessica Bianchi? My father said you wanted to meet me the other day?" he questioned her.

"Uhh, you are?" Jessica squinted her eyes and tilted her head to one side.

"Oh, my apologies. My name is Stefan Shaw."

"Stefan, I'm extremely sorry for your loss. Your father told me how close you and your sister were. I wish you didn't have to see this day." Jessica was feeling a bit ashamed now.

She was here to help the family to reunite them with their missing member but instead, the family found the missing member's corpse. It was indeed a very shameful thing for Jessica. Regret was all she could feel at the moment.

"So, what did you want to ask me?" Stefan asked, changing the subject.

"Oh, nothing. Just wanted to know if she was in some kind of trouble or anything like that, you know, since you guys were a lot close. But I don't see how that will be necessary now."

On hearing this, Stefan's expression suddenly turned from sad to angry. Change of emotions in a matter of seconds.

"Yea, now you say that won't be necessary, huh? 'Cuz you came flying from Milan with Dad payin' all ov your expenses just so you could gimme her friggin corpse, huh?" Stefan spat out the words as they hit Jessica on the chest like knives.

Jessica gasped.

Stefan spun around and left, leaving Jessica standing helplessly on the front porch.


A worried Jessica walked up and down the hall of the guest house that she was staying at while her assistants followed her movements with their eyes.

"Ma'am, stop it, will you?" James spoke, a bit annoyed.

"When are they going to call me?" Jessica replied, losing her patience.

"Ma'am, please chill out. You don't want to do anything but pace up and down. At least listen to what I found." James said.

"The girl is dead, James! The Shaw's trusted me. I have done nothing, but betrayed them. I promised Noah Shaw that he would see his girl come back to him, alive. But all they get is her pale, bloody corpse. So, it will be better if you two shut up and let me mind my own business."

Rudolfo and James decided to stay silent and sat there like statues.

After five minutes.....

"She's definitely lost her mind." Rudolfo whispered to James.

"Yep, she has never looked so helpless and annoyed in the last seven years." James confirmed.

"When was the last time that she looked this helpless, I don't recall?"

"The Winter case. The suicide of Ted Winter which was made to look like a homicide by his sister just so that she could blame it all on her enemy."

"Yeah, yeah. Complicated maze, that one. That woman had it planned beautifully."

55 minutes later.....

Jessica: Hello, is this CSI?

CSI guy: Yes, Jessica Bianchi?

Jessica: Yes.

CSI guy: OK, so Sheriff Blake asked me to give you the details.

Jessica: Uhun, go on.

CSI guy: So, the girl was wearing the same blue dress that she was wearing on the party night while her corpse was found in the garden, so I don't really get an evidence from that. I mean, there must be a lot of friends who she hugged and everything so.... a lot of DNA's on that dress.

Jessica: So, that's it that you guys could get?

CSI guy: Uh no ma'am. There is something else that we found. According to post mortem, the girl was heavily drugged. A lot of sedatives were found in her blood. Oh, and by lot, I mean sedatives enough to kill a horse.

Jessica: Any bones broken?

CSI guy: None. All perfectly intact.

Jessica: Date of death?

CSI guy: Around 7 pm last evening.

Jessica: Thank You.

And with this, she hung up.

"James, what were you saying earlier?"

"Just wanted to say that I couldn't find any fingerprints near the red spot."

"Not even one? How is that possible?"

"Not a single one. Which means, that the killer was either Xiang or Claudia or Marcus or Dian." Rudolfo replied this time.

"AHAN, not so soon, boys, this might be smartly planned." Jessica said, scratching her chin.

"What do you mean, ma'am?" Rudoflo said.

"Boys, c'mon. We need to go to the Shaw's." Jessica clapped her hands together.

"WHAA, ma'am you are completely crazy, it is 11:30 pm." James said looking at his wristwatch.


The two assistants immediately followed her orders. They did not understand what Jessica was trying to say and they were positive that she was out of her mind but they were listening to her anyway.


"SIGNORE SHAW!" Jessica screeched as though the multiple rings of the bell were not audible enough.

Dian opened the door.

"Wow, you live her, girl?" Jessica looked a bit amused.

Dian was shocked at the detective's choice of words.

"No, madam. I go home on most days and stay here if it get's too late with my chores."

"Okay, I will just take a teeny weeny peek of Rosetta's room."

"Right now? Should I call Mr. Shaw?"

"No need for that. Don't wake him up for this. I'm just here to look for a few things."

The housekeeper led her inside and Jessica literally ran up to the dead girl's room. Without taking a look at anything else, she moved the dressing table from its spot and moved her hand over the wall where the red spot from the photograph was. She rubbed her hand on the wall a few more times and looked at it with some satisfaction.

"How did you miss this, James. I am really disappointed in you." Jessica spoke, raising her hand to show it to her two assistants.

"What in the hell.....?" James came closer to take a look.

"The wall is freshly painted, you idiot!"

Jessica started to scratch at the wall. She kept scratching till the paint wore of and the red spot was visible again.

"Definitely Rosetta's blood." Jessica said this and turned around.

The Murder Of Rosetta ShawWhere stories live. Discover now