Chapter 2

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"What the hell do you want, Dad?"

"Could you just be nice for once? Just because you're an adult now doesn't mean you get to say what you want all the time. Now, I want you to behave and answer whatever Jessica Bianchi asks you, alright?"

The poor little troubled father requested his oldest daughter who seemed annoyed by the fact of being disturbed from whatever she was doing in her room. Rich, pampered kid. She seemed to be least bothered by her sister's disappearance. She smelled of nicotine. Was Noah Shaw's oldest daughter that spoilt? Wearing a tight skirt and a green tank, stood Noah Shaw's unruly young adult on high stilettos with different locks of her messy hair dyed pink and green. She stomped across the hall leading from the stairway to the dining and took a chair without acknowledging the presence of the three people sitting across her.

"Look, my Dad told me to answer whatever you ask. So just be done with it already. Besides, I won't be of much help. My sister was non existent for me anyways."

"Buonasera! I am Jessica Bianchi. Nice to meet you ...?"

"Florence, the name's Florence."

"Florence, so tell me, were you at your sister's party?"

"OH, would never bother to be there. I was in my room minding my business. Like I said, she was non existent for me."

"Alright, Florence. Could you please ask Stefan and Marcus to come and see me?"

"YEAH, Marcus is here. Stefan's in college. Will be back tomorrow morning."



"So, Marcus, how old are you?"

"25, why do you ask?"

"Nothing to do with my business. Just asked casually, you know. What do you do?"

"Help my father is running his business", the tall handsome brunette with blue eyes replied to the detective.

It was quite evident by now that good genes ran through the family.

"Were you at your sister's party?"

"Yeah, was there."

"At what time did you last see her?"

"Like, around eleven. That's when I returned from the pool house, you know. I thought she would be home by 2 or 3 like she usually does during parties."

"Are you close to your sister?"

"Rosetta, nah, not really. There's a huge age gap and I usually help Dad with business, you know, so..... I'm mostly busy with my shit."

"How did you notice she was missing?"

"Since Mum and Dad were in New York, I was heading to work as usual but since, I was the oldest one at home, just decided to check on Rosetta if she had returned or still out with friends. When I approached her room, I expected her door to be shut as she would probably be fast asleep, but I was shocked to see the door open and bed empty. Then I figured she was either in her bathroom or still out with her friends. So, I randomly knocked on her bathroom door just to make sure she was there but there came no reply. After waiting there for about forty five minutes, I got scared and threw open the bathroom door just out of curiosity and not finding her there, I took her best friends' numbers from Stefan as Stefan and Rosetta have mutual friends and called five of them and they all said that they left Rosetta's party at 3 AM. Trust me, I searched everywhere but couldn't find her. We called the police and they could not find her either. That's when I guess, Father decided to call you."

"Oh I see, would you mind taking me to Rosetta's room?"

"Sure, I will but I do not think you will find anything useful over there. Trust me, I have searched for evidence."

"Please take me there, even then."

"Okay, follow me."

Marcus led Jessica and the two assistants upstairs to Rosetta's room. The french windows were draped in expensive silk and her bed was attached to the wall beside the window. Her clothes were on her bed and makeup on the dressing table, all undisturbed. It looked like no one had entered her room since she left for her birthday party.

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