I have a twin.

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I walked through the pale tiled hallways, the sound of my luggage behind me louder than the storm but no one minded since it was an airport. Everywhere you looked you had people rushing with their own bags. It’s been so long since I’ve last walked these hallways, two long years to be specific. I looked to the glass walls that overlooked the place I had missed the most. My footsteps were fast trying to reach the gate as fast as I can…me and everyone who just got off the same plane.


“An ass who left for 2 years” A sign was held by blonde looking through her phone and not paying attention….as always.

“is that supposed to be me?” I came to a halt in front of her, her eyes slowly raised up and her mouth was opened into a gap, her eyes widened at the sight of me, blue as the biggest sea.

“oh my god!!” she freaked out spooning me into her chest as she hugged me…or squeezed me, I haven’t seen this blondie in 2 years…wow, I miss her so much.

“I can’t believe you’re finally here!” she said into my ears

“I know” I replied, she pulled back only to cup my cheeks in her hands;

“you’ve changed so much” she squeezed my cheeks

“well, so have you” I said through squeezed lips

“I miss you, jessica” she threw me back into her arms

“I miss you too, jolie” I laughed.

“let’s get you home” she gave me a warm smile.

We got in a taxi putting, all of my things in the back, as we drove through the city of London. The streets were wet with rain like it always have, the wind was cold with the fresh smell of wet grass, everything seemed to have changed since the last time I’ve seen it. I stared out the window for what seemed like hours, just admiring the view this city had in each and every corner. I inhaled loudly as I felt safe here, I knew I had my loved ones around keeping me together, I felt happy, content at the least.

“I can’t even begin to explain the things you’ve missed on, granted we’re going to have a long night of chit-chat tonight” jolie’s accent was something that I never forgot and probably never will. She grew up on another side of England giving her a unique accent that I could never compare to, I having an American one.

“I can tell” I gave her a smile as I stared back out the window, every store was either changed or fully removed. One thing was still the same though, the green trees everywhere that made the streets look like heaven.

The taxi pulled over in front of what once used to be my house before I moved, it remained exactly how I left it, white front with brown windows and big front yard that was somehow as green as I left it. I breathed in as I stepped out of the taxi, smiling at the amount of memories this place held.

“wow” we both said as we walked in the house, dust covered most of it, white sheets were everywhere, we knew this is gonna be a long day but we were up for it. I walked through the hall slowly and up to my room…so funny thinking it now ‘my room’.

As I stepped inside I couldn’t help the little giggle that escaped my mouth, everything was like I left it, my stuff in boxes on the desk, my bed covered, my wall which was covered in 1000 photos, literally. We called it the wall of one thousand memories, I remember finishing it with tears in my eyes because it was the day before we left and the last pictures was of me and jolie outside this house.

“I’ll start down stairs and you take these room?” jolie said stepping in and finding me staring at the pictures

“oh my god” she laughed-“is that still here?” she pointed at the pictures running her hands over them

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