Why are You here?

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I heard the elevator ding as I stepped out, fiddling in my bag for the keys, I was looking at the floor and as I raised my eyes slowly I saw a figure sitting in front of my door, my footsteps slowed down as I started to take it into detail, his back was supported to my door, legs close to his chest as his arms hanged over his knees, his hair wasn’t visible as he was wearing a beanie, his back straddled with a back bag, I stopped walking.

It’s him.

He’s here.

I realized that my presence caught his attention as I watched him get up fast, looking at me thoroughly in a way I’ve never seen before, I looked at him in utter shock, my mouth a slight gap, my heart started racing at the sight of him in front of my eyes, my head almost shutting down due to the amount of questions running through every corner of it at the moment, my legs pinned to the ground I was unable to make a move, I watched him as he walked fast towards me and pulled me into his chest.

I stepped back at the sudden friction as the bags dropped from my hands, his arms holding me so tight to his chest that I’ve never felt this close to him before, he breathed me in and out in deep breathes, he didn’t move his hands just squeezed me a little more as if to make sure I was real, I felt almost suffocated, but every part of me was tingling, my head gave in to the thought of him being, holding me in his arms, and my heart slowed down as I wrapped my arms around him slightly, closing my eyes as his skin brushed against my own, I never realized how I fit exactly in the crock of his neck, he smells just like I remember, his skin was warm, and I shivered at how alive this made me feel.

I missed him, I missed every part of him, I missed his existence in my life, I simply missed him.

“I missed you so much, Jessie” he said and my heart fell to my stomach.

He’s been holding me for at least 3 minutes when he finally and slowly let me go, he looked at me in the same way he did a few minutes ago and it making me weak, I picked up my bags;

“how are you?” I smiled at him as I walked past

“good” he simply said, oh god I’ve missed his voice so much, and suddenly I felt like I couldn’t breathe again;

“come in” I said as I opened the door, I went straight to the kitchen and offered him a seat on the dining table and he obeyed

“oh god why?” I thought as I put the bags on the counter –“what is he doing here? Why is he here?” I reached to my chest and put my hand flat against my heart –“stop acting like this” I tried to breathe normally –“please just stop” I whispered;

“tea?” I popped my head out of the kitchen to him , and I watched him take of his beanie and run his hand through his hair before resting both of his elbows on the table and enter whining his fingers then nodding, my breath hitched at how attractive that looked and I was at the edge of losing myself control, I turned around and in the kitchen;

“stay strong” I whispered, I made the tea and walked out to him as he put his phone aside and smiled at me, making me almost trip but I caught myself before he noticed

“thanks” he said as I gave him the mug and I sat in front of him, putting my feet on the chair and bringing my knees to my chest, I drank small sips from the tea as he did the same;

The room was silenced, both of us not knowing where to start but simply enjoying each other’s presence, I took him in, his navy blue beanie resting next to his hand, the ring I gave him for his birthday in his middle finger, his worn out bracelets in each hand, his dark grey v neck that fitted him perfectly, making his arms look bigger than I remembered or maybe they were, he neared the mug to his lips as he looked at me, his big green eyes the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, and he put down the mug, slowly brushing his fingers against his pink lips, it felt as if I was falling in love with him all over again;

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