Safe and Sound. (the end)

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“so, how does it feel to be a graduate?” tom said asking me through a camera

“feels fucking awesome, can we like go get drunk or something?” I excitedly said, it was the day of my project review, after a whole lot of waiting, I found out I got an A, which was the cherry on top of my non existing cake that I will yet to make after this day;

“hey! Behave this is going to be sent to your parents” tom said laughing

“oh shoot!” I said –“hi mum, hi dad” I smiled and tom flipped the camera to show both of us

“your daughter has nailed this project so hard, that no one stood a chance next to her” he said in an announcer voice and I flexed my non existing muscles to play along, a while later we finally switched off the camera;

“so what do you wanna do?” tom asked seriously

“I don’t feel like doing anything” I shook my head

“hey, I know you’re still sad about what happened A MONTH AGO!” he said emphasizing how long that time was for me to still be sad

“you’re an asshole” I said

“and you’re a bitch, so we’re even” he teased –“look spend the day wherever you want, get your mind clear, and then get ready to enjoy being a graduate” he smiled –“it’s almost getting dark so stay near though”

“I’ll be at the back park, anyway” I nodded;

“you’re beautiful” I exhaled as I walked through the park, trees on either side of the wide road, benches that were empty and dusty, the smell here was always fresh, clean and it was always mixed with roses, a scent I became fond of after all the long walks in this place, a tiny lake was the center of this park, it was calm, it was peaceful and it was just what I needed;

“why can’t I get him out of my head?” I exhaled loudly

“how could I be so stupid?” I said looking at the ground, kicking a few rocks, only to hear a different noise coming from behind me, footsteps as it seems;

“no,” I jumped in surprise at his voice, thinking I was simply imagining things as I turned around to face him –“the real question is,” he walked towards me, breathing heavily, hands in his pockets –“is how could someone possibly love me this much?”

Every fiber of my being was on the edge of breaking down, as I tried to push my feet into the ground harder to at least stand still for what this conversation would lead to.

“how could you?” he shook his head, as hard as I tried I still failed to hold back my tears –“you watched me almost every day for months be with another person, how?” he was talking quietly, almost in disbelief, I had a million question but none of them suited the situation but my simple answer to his question;

“you were happy” I sobbed

“I was happy, because you were there” he approached me –“why didn’t you say anything?”

“say what exactly?” I laughed –“ say that I was in love with you, when clearly you were in love with someone else? Yeah that sounds like the perfect plan, jack.” I paused –“ just don’t do this, don’t do this because you feel sorry, or out of pity, I don’t need this, just leave, go back to the girl you love” I yelled in tears

“that’s just it, I am with her right now” he said, I fell silenced, not able to think, talk or even comprehend what he just said, or if I even heard him right, is this even realy?

“all I know is that I can’t live without you” he started and I cried –“all I know is ever day I spent without you I felt my soul feeling sadder piece by piece” he paused –“I broke up with her”

“what?” I looked up in shock, he didn’t, he didn’t do that, not for me;

“I broke up with her, even before I found out about this” –“you left because you thought I was happy, happy without you” –“well, guess what? I’ve never been more miserable”

“I…” I tried to speak;

“I’m in love with you” he said, he said it, he said the words I’ve been wanting to hear for so long, the words I thought could never come out of his mouth, not direct at me anyway, I cried, as if the walls that I’ve built of pain bricks to hold my tears away are no shattered by his 5 words. And I cried harder, making him rush over and hold me in his arms, hushing me with each slide on the top of my head as I stain his plain shirt with my tears;

“stop crying” he said –“I’m here now, it’s alright” –“you’re gonna be just fine”


“can you stop crying now?” he asked, we were laying on bed, my head on top of his chest, his arm wrapped around me like the best protection I could ask for, his fingers travelled my arms slowly up and down, making me lose control over myself and easing into his touch and calming down, I sniffed loudly as I finally stopped crying;

“that’s my girl” he smiled and I giggled lightly

“your girl?” I looked up at him, he looked at me with the same breath taking smile, wiping away my tears;

“yes, my girl, do you have a problem with?” he raised an eyebrow and I went back to lay on his chest, butterflies taking over my stomach;

“no, not at all” I smiled.

And as I once played in his hair until her fell asleep, he managed to do the same, with a kiss on my forehead before I drifted off, it was the best feeling I’ve had in a really long time, and tonight I was certain that whatever I wake up to the next day, can’t be that bad.


I woke up before him, something I think will be happening a lot from now on, went to the bathroom and changed, and impatiently waited for him to wake up, I stood in the kitchen as I watch the bedroom door open, and him step out;

“hi” he said with a smile, the way he looked and sounded was my favorite thing on earth, he stood for a second running his fingers through his hair and I watched in admiration;

“I’ll be right there” he winked in his tired voice and I leaned back to the counter just to be able to stand up, the butterflies returning once again to my stomach but a hundred times worse;

I prepared to mugs of tea and started pouring each one, adding my sugar I heard the bathroom door open and his footsteps coming nearer, and my stomach knotting faster;

“good morning” he said with the biggest smile as he walked in the kitchen

“morning” I returned it as I poured the water into his mug, his hands grabbing my waist as his arms wrapped around me, pulling my back to his chest, his lips immediately found access to my neck as he kissed it, I stopped breathing, as he moved his lips to press yet another soft kiss, I gasped and put the kittle down from my hand trying not to burn both of us by losing my grip;

“whoa, slow down on me I might get a heart attack” I snickered away from him, as the feeling was something too much for me to handle all of a sudden, I leaned against the counter trying to catch my breath;

“slow is good” he said as he coming near me and standing to inches away, he leaned in and our bodies were flat against each other;

“slow is really good” he said across my lips, his hands holding my neck as he pressed his lips against mine, and it was mesmerizing;

His thumb caressed my cheeks like I was something fragile about to break in his hands and so did his lips, the frictions rose goose bumps all over my body as I finally took action, wrapping my arms around his neck whilst softly playing in his hair, which got a great reaction out of him as I felt shivers on his own skin, our lips parted as we went out of breath;

“I love you” he leaned his forehead against mine

“I love you more” I managed to say.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2013 ⏰

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