You have a vis....

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As time passed without Jessica being next to his side, he started to feel less happy, or even content at the least, something was missing from his life, something that seemed to keep him going, gave him strength and happiness, he felt alone and left out but as the bubbly being he is, he never let it show but on the inside it was tearing him apart every second.

His girlfriend wasn’t there, and even when she was, he didn’t seem to care enough. He never stopped trying to reach Jessica, constantly asking Jolie how she is or why she’s not answering her phone, or why she doesn’t answer his emails, the answer was always the same ‘she’s really busy with college and all’ or ‘the service around her building is really bad sometime the signal doesn’t reach it there’ etc, etc.

He was at ellie’s house, waiting for her to get ready so they can go out, it been a month and two weeks since jessica left, a month and two weeks since jack’s happiness faded away with her leaving, he sat in the living room sofa contemplating  whether to do this or not, but he felt every need to do so;

“I’m ready we can go” ellie said walking in the living room with a smile and he didn’t move, she approached him slowly

“are you happy? With me?” he said staring into the middle of no where

“yes” she laughed –“of course I am, why would you even such a thing” she stood in front of him –“why? Aren’t you?” she patiently waited for a reply, he took his time, thinking it through one more time before it slipped out of his mouth;

“no” he simply said looking at her;

“what?” she shook her head in disbelief

“did you even notice that I was the most miserable being for the past month?” he stood up

“do you even care about what I feel anymore?” he questioned –“it’s been so long since we’ve spent some actual time together, I’m almost forgetting why I fell in love with you in the first place”

“jack , why are you saying this now?” she said –“I’m sorry” she held the sides of his shirt and pulled him towards her –“I’m sorry I haven’t been paying enough attention to you” her lips roamed against his and he hated the friction as he pushed her hands away;

“then, you shouldn’t have stopped paying attention 4 months ago” he said –“right now, I can’t even think of a proper reason of why I should stay with you, you have something more important than I’ll ever be, your job.” She started at him in total awe –“why stay and hope each day that you’ll notice how I haven’t been sleeping for the past week, or that I didn’t even for the last 2 days…even though I did tell you, I’m sick of this” he stepped away

“I’m done” he said his final words;

“jack” she turned to catch him as she ran after him to the front door –“please don’t do this, just please don’t leave me” she was about to cry –“I love you” she said with tears in her eyes;

“I don’t” he exhaled as he walked away.


“Finn, can I use your laptop for a while? Mine is lagging” jack yelled to finn downstairs who was sitting with Jolie in the living room

“sure” he yelled back, jack grabbed his camera and went into finn’s room, sat down in front of his laptop and started editing, after a while the laptop dinged with a new email;

“Jessica-J” he read to himself –“Jessica?” he questioned as he clicked on the email to open it


        Haha well, thank you finn. Anyway I’m doing great, the project is coming along well, there’s a great chance of me getting an A so that would be great, I’m glad Jolie gave you my new email, I’m sick and tired of your voice on the phone to be quite honest, sorry just kidding, and no I don’t think I’ll come back when I finish this year, no reason for me to go back anyway,and I’ve sent you my address before you idiot, you can send over whatever you want.

 Keep safe, love you.

Jessica Jones” he read

“what?” he sat up, confused of what he just read as he read parts of it over and over again

“I’m sick and tired of your voice on the phone”   jack read for the third time -“ so he was able to call her?”

“i’m glad jolie gave you my new email” he read again –“but he never said that he talks to her”

“what is going on?” he said out loud, he scrolled through finn’s emails as he came across the one containing her address, he got up and walked around the room for a pen and paper as e scribbled it down.


“need any help with that?” a familiar voice mocked as I climbed up the stairs of my building’s front door

“I’m starting to think you don’t know me at all, tom” I joked as I adjusted the two bags in each of my hands and tried to move the strap of my bag up a little.

“we’ll I’m going out, I’ll be back soon” he helped me adjust my bag and walked down the stairs –“make me food with you!” he yelled as he went out

“No!” I yelled back

“hey, Ms. Jones you have mail” john came up to me

“oh really?” I said out of breath as I finally finished the stairs up to the elevator, I failed at trying to hold with my hand so I opened my mouth to him and he put them in, as I held on to them with my teeth I pressed the elevator button with my hip and waited and got in, dropping everything in my hands on the ground;

“oh and by the way” john came running as the elevator door almost closed;

“yeah” I moved my head to the open end of the door

“you have a vis…” I couldn’t catch what he said as the door closed, I shrugged it off and started adjusting my bags, putting them into one big bag and getting the mail in purse

I heard the elevator ding as I stepped out, fiddling in my bag for the keys, I was looking at the floor and as I raised my eyes slowly I saw a figure sitting in front of my door.

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