He's happy.....isn't he?

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“Jessica, can you bring more cups with you?” I was over at their house as I heard their mum yell at me from the other room as I walked to the kitchen

“sure” I yelled back as I saw finn walk in behind me and short after him came Jolie, I opened the cabinet and was fishing out some tea cups to put on the tray;

“are you in love with him?” finn conceded standing inches away from me and I got flustered, almost dropping the cup in my hand but catching it at the last second. I glanced at him as he waited eagerly for an answer and then looked at jolie stuffing her face with baked goods;

“you told him?” I gave her a death glare as I talked through greeted teeth

“yes, he’s my boyfriend I tell him everything!”

“that wasn’t yours to tell!!” I quietly yelled at her as I was trying to get anyone’s attention

“it’s okay” Finn tried to calm me and I put my hands through my hair in frustration

“are you going to give me a long ass speech about how I should’ve stopped myself from falling in love with him because he’s taken? Cause if you are, don’t waste your breath I already know all of that but there’s not much I can d…” he didn’t let me finish;

she’s not in love with him!” He conceded and I heard the cookie fall from Jolie’s hand which gave away my own surprise

“wait, what?” I shook my head as to listen closer

“Ellie, she’s not in love with him!” he said again looking at both of us

“what are you talking about finn? Please this is not the time for any of your games” I was in honest disbelief of what he just said

“listen, maybe at first she was, but now she’s not.” He started as he got the cups on the tray –“she was all nice and sweet when we all newly met her. After a while she asked jack if he could get her a job at youtube because it was her dream of some sort, and of course he did cause he thought it would make her happy. When she got it she slowly started pulling away from him, he never sees her anymore unless she wants to. Mum kept telling him to back off, so did I , so did everyone we know but he’s in way too deep. She was just using him, but he never sees it” he flashed a cheeky smile of his

“wait does that mean they might break up soon” jolie said standing next to me excitedly for she thought this was the magical answer to all of my problems but it wasn’t

“hold up, he’s happy…..isn’t he?” I crocked an eyebrow

“he is, but he won’t be for long” finn took away the tray and walked out.

I was distracted by my own thoughts the whole day. How can she do that to him? Even if she was just using him she must’ve loved him? I mean how can she not? Look at him, he’s an inch away from perfect. My life was getting complicated by the second, she wasn’t in love with him according to finn, but he was in love with her, she was happy for getting what she wanted, and he was happy too, so where does that leave me?

All I knew I needed to distance myself from him, this whole situation was exhausting for me….mentally, emotionally and even physically. I didn’t think about anything else, or anyone else, I slept for so little each night and it was driving me to the edge of insanity. Once more I was the lonely girl with the broken heart who had no idea how to fix herself or put her life back on track.


“Hello, you look so good” Ellie greeted me with a hug, oh dear lord how can I possibly have anything against her?

“thanks, you look even better” I smiled at her and sat down across from her, Finn pushed my arm to move me so he can set next to me and I did, the sofa we sat on was too small for Jolie to feel comfortable so she moved to the other side next to Jack and Ellie.

“so let’s order first so Jolie can take her time to decide” we all shared a laugh at Finn’s remark which Jolie answered to with a puppy face, I glanced at jack who wrapped his arm around Ellie and leaned to say something in her ear, and my heart thudded in my chest with every movement he made towards her. I felt Finn’s knee hit mine and looked up at him, he gave me a smile of an ‘are you okay’ and I nodded looking back the menu;

“so did you make up your mind on what to eat?” he trailed of and I laughed at how hard he was trying to ease the situation for me and I carried on the conversation with him, until the food came, and I happened to look at the same time jack leaned again this time to kiss her, and all the voices in my head screamed no.

I found myself clutching Finn’s jeans as I watched his lips find hers and I looked away, finding it really hard to breath or even cope with the sight, he glanced at my hand that was turning pale white and turned back to jack;

“oh c’mon mate, we’re not here to see you two do that!” Finn whined, putting his hand slowly over mine, and as I noticed jack pull away I regained my normal breathing again. I couldn’t take it any longer

“let me through” I whispered to Finn –“I’ll be right back” I glanced up to everyone with a huge smile and Finn got up to let me go. I walked to the bathroom calmly, and I leaned with both hands on the sink trying to regain my balance even though I know I’ll lose it in the blink of an eye again. I tried to breath in and out, to calm myself down before I head out to what seemed like a battlefield for me.

“you’re strong enough to do this” I told myself in the mirror as I washed my hands and went back out there

I spent the rest of the evening completely fine, coping perfectly with everything jack did or said to Ellie, I think it got better for me in time, the first he kissed her was the worst of them all of course but I was strong enough to live through it. Finn and Jolie glanced at me every now and then to make sure I was fine and I smiled, cause I was fine. The person I’m in love with is sitting right there in front of me, having the biggest smile on his face and I couldn’t ask for anything more.


I laid awake at night, staring at the white blank that is my ceiling. Contemplating what I should do from now on, but came up with nothing what so ever. It was pretty frustrating for me because I couldn’t think of anything else but this, but the fact that I’m foolishly in love with a person who’s in love with someone else, but more importantly the fact that I was in love with a person, and what a person he was.

It came across ac completely odd to me how after all of this, I can’t find the weakest bit of strength to pull myself away from him. To simply stop loving him. It was like I was hanging on to some kind of hope that I wished would save me from all of this and somehow let me end up with him, cause for me, that would be heaven on earth itself.

To be able to have him, touch him, be with him, just listen to him talk for hours, watch him be the person that he truly is, have an argument with him over a stupid topic and let him win because of that smile of vanity he gets when he wins, to constantly remind him what a wonderful person he is, that he brings me joy that I’ve never felt before just by standing next to me, to support him and watch him live his dream as I watch closely from behind him.

This wasn’t positive thinking for me and I needed to clear my mind off of it, I need to think of something else, I need to occupy my time with another activity that doesn’t include him.

I shall study.

I didn’t work a single bit on my graduation project until now and it would be a bloody perfect time to start.

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