New beginning

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Eve POC: it's been a year and a half and the doctor helped me and my sister get a better leaving.... But sadly he died from a heart attach but the good thing is that he adored me and my sister and he left everything in our name the house and cars and everything and I had my baby girl, I named her royalty she looked so much like her daddy sometimes she made me miss him.
Royalty: mommy
Eve: yeah SWEETY
Royalty: I hungi ( hungry in baby voice)
Eve: what you want to eat princess??
Emery: let's go out to eat fuzz cakes, I'm going out anyway and mommy needs to rest
Royalty: yahhh, ok Aunti
Eve: okay you gonna go wit your Aunti
Royalty: yep😃
Eve POC: I love my lil monster and emery is a very big help, when the doc was still alive he took me and my sister to school and I'm graduating soon from nursing school Emery is still in school for business and since I have to balance out my daughter ,sister ,school and work my baby goes to daycare and it's really good for her because at the age of 1 and a couple month she knows her abc and can count all the way to 50 or you can say fifty tee( 53 in her baby voice)
Emery: so my sister had her baby and royalty is so adorable cutest baby ever... My sister works so hard I'm so proud of her but me knowing my sister she is not happy she really loved Drake ever since she was a lil girl she would wear our moms wedding dress and dance around saying she couldn't wait until she got married and danced around with the one special guy but ever since Drake broke her heart she had locked her heart but I know deep inside she still wants Drake so they can make a family.
- two hours later-
Drake POC: me and Chris had met up and went out to eat and I seen this girl that looked just emery and she was with this other girl but I didn't recognize the other girl and they was walking past and that's when I called out to emery and she turned around and couldn't believe it was emery it's been so long she like disappeared after her sisters death.
Drake: emery OMG how are you ?? It's been so long
Emery: umm yeah it has and I'm good you?
Drake:I'm good too.. Wow you look great life has been really good to you hasn't it... Are you married
Emery: no not married just living life
Drake: oh wow okay and who is this beauty with you
Emery: ohh umm this is my... My cousin... My cousin
Drake: oh hi
Eve: hi, you must be Drake my cousin Emery told me so much about you😒
Drake: yeah... RIP out to Evelyn
Eve: ( crying) Yeha RIP.... Sorry I have to go Emery let's go
Emery: (020) 777-4567
Drake: alright bye, bye Emery cousin
Eve POC: I can't believe I seen Drake my heart skipped a beat... I missed him so much I wanted to run up to him and give him a hug but I forgot I'm dead to him Eve is gone and even if Eve wasn't gone I couldn't tell him who I was I would be putting my self and my daughter in the risk of heavens hands
Eve: why did you give him your number?, look at the boy he has heaven written all over him he is still with her maybe married by now, do you want to Get me or my baby killed heaven didn't care the other three times and I'm pretty sure she won't care now
Emery: sorry sister I panicked I seen how upset you was I just didn't know what to do.
-Back at the restaurant-
Drake: YOO Chris that girl might be stranger but her voice and body is soo much like Eve ( crying)
Chris: man Drake you do this every time you bring that girl Eve up when are you going to get over her ??? Heaven is here and is ready to love you
Drake: I do love heaven
Chris: you don't show it enough man
Drake: and Eve can't never be compared to heaven or nobody that girl died with my heart I can never forget her never
Chris: man lets stop talking about this before you spoil my food.
Drake: alright, but you don't know how much it hurts
-later that day-
Heaven POC: it's been forever that girl Eve died soo happy and I don't know what happened to her sister but I hope she died too me and Drake are good I love that boy with all my heart we planning to get married soon so I'm really happy....
Heaven: coming .....
Drake: open the door baby
Heaven: hey SWEETY
Drake: Heyy Hun
Heaven: are you hungry?
Drake: no I have a lot in my mind imma just sleep
Heaven: okay...
Drake POC: man I was so confused about Emery cousin she reminded me so much of Eve it made no sense at all and I remember going to the hospital trying to pay for the bill of her funeral and all and their was no record of her dying just a grave with her name on it was the only proof but, how do I know for sure her body is in their , how do I know for sure  she is still alive but with a face of a stranger... This was making my head hurt so I decided to hit up Emery
Unknown - YOO Emery
Emery- who is this?
Unknown- Drake
Emery- oh
Unknown- can I come pick you up tomorrow so we can go to Eve grave place ??
Drake- Yeha sure, but I'll meet you
Drake POC: Emery want trying to let me know where she lived I wonder why?? But since we gonna meet I will follow her to her house
Heaven POC: Drake looked so down when he got home so when he falled alseep I snooped in his phone to see who his been talking too " uvhhhhh that Eve sister girl is still alive??" You know what I'm following her tomorrow..
Eve: where you going
Emery: oh Drake texted me last night when you was alseep and said he wanted us to meet at your grave yard...
Eve: ohh okay, alright I'm going to drop off Royal at the day care I guess I'll see you later ..... But be carful lil sis
Emery: I'll be fine Eve don't worry
Eve: hmm okay

Drake POC: I see meet coming over but I was already in tears I swear I loved and still Eve but my stupidity got her killed that heaven B killed her but I can't prove it to be true that's why I never left her plus I know she did it cause she loves me soo... and she got money .
Drake: hey Emery
Emery: hi... How you holding up
Drake: not so well I miss Eve soo much
Emery:  I know me too
Drake: she was soo young... She was not ready to die she had big dreams coming her way(sobbing)
Emery: I know
Emery: well I should get going I have to go to work
Drake: alright bye
Heaven POC: I seat in my car and watch Drake cry and sob at the grave it must be Eve's it hurts me to see him like that... He must of really loved her but I want him to love me like he loved her like she is dead and gone love me now, " ughh" but no worries it takes time .. So I see Emery going into her car I'm about to follow her now.
Drake POC: Emery saying she going to work but I'm going to follow her to work, where ever she goes until she gets home I have to see her cousin or just talk to her so I can remember Eve beautiful voice.
Emery POC: I get home and seat on the couch with  Eve and we hear someone knocking on the door...
Eve: are your expecting someone??
Emery: no! Are you??
Eve: no... Come in
Emery& Eve: Drake!
Drake: sorry Emery i had to follow I wanted to see your cousins but from what I heard this is eve( crying)
Emery: you was listening to our convo??
Drake: how could you lie to me I have been leaving in darkness this last year and Eve you have been alive and healthy all this year
Eve: ( crying) Drake you don't understand
Drake: understand what!? I thought you loved me what happened to that love?? You promised thick and thin
Eve: indeed WE promised but where were you when your fiancé hit my head with a flower pot when I got got beat and shot and got acid poured on my face?? Where were you I waited for you but you didn't take me seriouse.
Drake: Evelyn I'm so sorry I'm sorry okay I know I was been such a terrible lover but trust me I never stopped loving you, I still carry the ring I wanted to give you so we can get married
( Drake standing on one knee)
Drake: Evelyn Neveah  Cook would do me the honor of been my wife?? You might have the face of the stranger but I didn't fall in love with huh ft your looks but for who you are ... So will you???
Eve: yeah... YES! I will omg Drake I love you soo much
Emery: if I was you too I would pack my things now and move somewhere because not trying to spoil nothing but if y'all wait long enough heaven will try to kill you ...
Drake: right, right let me go now and go pack and y'all stay here and pack and tomorrow morning at 8am sharp be outside and we are getting out of this place
Eve & Emery: alright
Eve: bye😘
Drake: bye loves 😘😘
Drake POC: things happened soo fast I can't believe my baby is still alive this is the happiest day of my life i got home and heaven is not their perfect I can pack my clothes real quick so tomorrow we can be out and I can start a new life with my baby and her little sister.
Heaven POC: I was at the door of Emerys house and I heard everything I can't believe Eve is still alive and she trying to run away with my fiancé no hell no that's not happening she watch.., watch until tomorrow.....
-Later that day-
Emery: Eve we forgot to tell Drake something
Eve: we did???
Emery: a little somethings that start with queens and kings
Eve: ohh shoot ROYALTY lol goodness we was soo  happy let me text him now and tell him
Emery: 😂😂okay good mother
Eve: shut up... You forgot too
Eve- Drake I forgot to tel you something
Drake- oh oh what is it??
Eve- I have a daughter I mean.. We have a daughter
Drake-😕😕😕 we as in me and you???
Eve- yes her name is Royalty  Sincere  Cook she is one years old and a couple months
Drake- OMG that's great.. I had suspected it back then but I would always forget to ask you... But wow I'm a father
Eve- yes we are parents
Drake- can't wait to meet my lil angle number two ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Eve: good night
Drake: night

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