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Max's POV-

I got home late that night, around 1.30am. Alesa fell asleep on the couch while we were all playing Smash Bros. Adam kept making "let it go" jokes so I thought it'd be best if I headed home.

Once I arrived, Ross left a note out for me.

-I has le girl over. No disturbances-

I cringed at the thought of Ross sleeping with someone. I don't know why, but he was like a little brother to me and the thought of it was always off putting and awkward. I obeyed and carefully tiptoed to my room, making sure to close my door quietly.

Once in bed I nearly passed right out, but the thought of Adam kept me awake. His face, his curly, brown hair. His perfect eyebrows and eyelashes, his bright hazel orbs. I smiled at the thought of him and slipped into a slumber. My sleep was invaded by nightmares. Most included me and Adam getting caught by Alesa on the couch, others were of when we were nearly caught in Hawaii. I woke up in a puddle of sweat at around 9am. My heart pumping, blood rushing through my veins.

Calming my breathing, I sat up, pulling on my jeans. The sun shone through my red curtains and blinded me. My jeans half pulled up, I realised I had work in about an hour, I also realised I needed to shower, so I proceeded to take my jeans back off and hop in. Ross had already left it seemed, the cereal boxes were scattered about the kitchen and cutlery was hastily put in the sink.

Hopping in the shower, I washed my red hair. Water droplets trickled down my back and stomach, going through my chest hair as it did so. As I washed downwards I felt a tingling feeling as Adam came back into my mind. Then I remembered. Melissa would usually be in here with me, in bed too. But today I was alone. Alone with my thoughts.

As I thought of scenarios of me and Adam in my head, I began to jerk off. The feeling of my hand felt unknown to my semi erect dick as I did so, usually it'd be Mel's mouth or pussy there, not my lonesome little hand. It had been almost an entire 2 weeks since I'd last had sex, or did anything in that department, so I finished fairly quickly, shooting my load down into the plug hole as I moaned Adam's name, rubbing my left hand through my chest hair.

After my shower I began to make myself breakfast, the smell of sizzling bacon erupting into the air and purifying the entire house, cleansing it of anything and everything that isn't bacon. As I cooked the bacon, my phone jumped to life and a text message rang through.

(G'day sir) it read. My face dropped into a frown as I realised who the text was from.

(Yes Adam?) I replied, putting my phone down on the side, continuing with my cleansing of the house and its unholiness.... while I continued to cook my bacon...

Adam replied within the next couple of minutes.

(I want you). My heart jumped as I read it, my eyes scanning to make sure I wasn't misreading in anyway.

(We'll talk at work) he texted. He must've realise I had no reply for such a bold statement. I finished up my breakfast and grabbed my keys, heading for the door.

Adam's POV-

As I hit send I realised what I had just done. Sitting at my desk at work, I learned forward, twiddling my fingers waiting for a reply, realising none was coming I texted him saying we'd talk when he arrives in. I put my phone back into my pocket and got to work.

While I was sorting out some files, a knock on my door startled me and I spun around.

"Max!" I said loudly, seeming surprised. "You frightened me..." I said calmer.

"So..." Max said, his smile fading as he cautiously made his way into my office and closing the door.

"So..." I said back, rolling my eyes in awkwardness. He leaned in the glass window and crossed his arms. His eyes on the ground as he searched for the right words. I searched too, my mind blank on what to say.

"Max... about last night... we.. I... you..." I stuttered, Max's eyes meeting mine as I did so, I fell back into silence and our eyes parted once again. Our heartbeats piercing the silence like the blades that  pierced Jon Snow.

"Adam... I love you. I don't know what else to say.... and you love me too." Max sighed and spoke. His arms unfolding as he stepped towards me, my head raising as he did so. He was standing directly in front of me, his voice so matter of factly.

"I love Alesa."

"You love me too."

"I can't love more than one person like that... at the same time..." I stuttered again, losing my grip my eyes watered and Max sighed again.

"Well you do..." he said. I wiped my tears and stood up. We were right in front of eachother, our breaths hitting each others faces. I learned forward, putting my right hand on the back of Max's head and pulled him in.

Our tongues met and we panted. Max's tongue submitted and I pushed him against the glass. No one else was at work apart from Ross and he was doing a recording so we had no real fear of being caught. Max's hands rubbed through my hair and clenched parts of my body as I shoved my tongue deeper down his throat.

"Adam... make up your mind!" Max said, resisting, trying to push me away.

"Not yet. Not now." I whispered in his ear, clenching his hair and pulling his head back as I kissed his neck. He moaned and I let go, pulling away from him.

"Adam why?" He asked, wiping his lips, pulling his hood up to cover his ruffled hair and assaulted neck.

"Because I don't know what I'm doing and I'm young and stupid and lust basically controls everything I do!" I said, my voice rasping and stern. Max chuckled at this and kissed me on the lips.

"We need to figure out what this is, what we're doing." Max said, holding me by my arms.

"We're just young lads who like to have sex. We don't love eachother like that. I love you like a friend. You love me..." I drifted off.

"I love you like a friend too... we're..." Max said, his voice growing quiet as our eyes met again. We both burst into laughter.

"We're friends with benefits?!" We chanted softly as we hugged and kissed eachother. Happiness overcame me, we knew what we were, that was our first step, now we just have to figure out what we're doing.

Firstly, those of you here for the pure smut I promise there's actual.. smut next chapter!
Secondly, I'd like to say thanks for all you loyal, patient readers! I will end up writing a chapter a week starting next week- my life is busy sorry.
Lastly, I want to say I just finished watching Game Of Thrones season 1-5 (been binge watching all week) and I had to throw in a reference xD.
Anyway, stay patient my readers! Update soon!

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