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Max's POV- 

I woke up the morning after with the smell of bacon floating around my bedroom. I sat up and followed my nose, only dressed in my boxers I headed to the kitchen where I found Ross.

"Bacon?" I ask, my eyes closed, smiling and taking in the smell. *Air Guitar* echoing out of the radio quietly in the background.

"Ye!" Ross said, sliding some onto a plate and handing it to me.

"Thanks!" I say, walking back to my bedroom and placing it on the bedside table. I headed to the shower and climbed in. I washed myself while chewing a part of my bacon. When I finished up I climbed out and heard a knock at my door. I pulled on a tshirt and walked out of the bathroom.

"What?" I said, pushing myself past Ross.

"I was just gonna say I'm heading out." Ross said, holding his car keys. I gave him a confused look and shrugged.

"Where?" I asked, heading into my room and searching for some jeans. Ross followed me in. "Get out!" I said, pushing Ross out and cllosing the door.

"I'm just going to meet up with some friends for a couple hours maybe." He said and headed out. I heard the door slam as I pulled on my jeans and finished my bacon.

Ross' POV- (Didn't expect this, did ya? XD)

I was outside in my car. Sitting, phone in hand, a frown on my face. I called again but no answer. I heard the echo of music through the door and decided to climb out and go knock.

"Adam?" I shouted, banging on the door. I knew Alesa and Mason were out today as she came to the office and told Adam last week while we all went to lunch, so I had planned this perfectly. A few moments of music was followed by loud footsteps and then the music being cut off. I leaned against the wall next to the door and checked my watch.

"Hello?" Adam called out, opening the door. "Oh Ross! I didn't know you was coming round!" He laughed, letting me in. I smiled and walked in, greeting him as I did so.

"I was just wondering..." I hesitated. I had all this planned out in my head. All of it, yet now I'm here I'm scared. "I was just wondering when you plan on returning Max's shirt." I asked, Adam looked slightly startled and confused by the question. His eyes widened as he turned and ran off. 

"It's here!" He called, running back into view. I hesitated and grabbed the shirt, placing it on the couch.

"I've also come to return your shirt..." I said calmly. Adam seemed completely taken aback by this and even took a small step backwards before frowning. "It was right where you left it." I said. Adam slowly took the shirt from me.

"Okay?" He said, turning away. I grabbed him and stopped him from walking away, I turned him towards me, a confused grimace appearing over his tired features. "I take it you never got my texts..." I utter in nearly a full whsiper. I threw myself at him, smacking my lips to his, pushing him backwards into the nearby table. He grabbed me, not quite kissing back but not pushing me away. I kissed harder, trying to gain access to his mouth, he refused and pushed me away. His face red with anger and fear. 

"Adam, I-"

"No! What the fuck, Ross?!" Adam shouted, his vice roaring through the entire house.

"I just-" I stopped, I looked down and began to cry.

Adam's POV-

"I just-" Ross grew silent and began to cry into his palms, I approach him carefully. He backs up and I go forward quicker and pull him into an embrace. I don't know why but I felt like this was the right thing to do, to help Ross.

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