Chapter four- Letter to Niall

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Update tiiiiiime! *warning* depressing chapter I feel really guilty about writing on Liam's birthday.

                                      Chapter four- Letter to Niall

Liam cried silently as he read through the letter he had writtern. He knew Niall wouldn't read it, he had just thought that it would help him get to terms with the death of the boy he loves. Loved.

Liam had snuck out of the bed earlier that night with Niall's laptop. After the weird dream, he couldn't get back to sleep, so he decided to put his brain to some use, seeing as all it had been doing lately was think about Niall.

More silent tears fell down Liam's cheeks as he re-read the letter for the fourth time. He felt almost every emotion. Every emotion but happiness.

Dear Niall,

So It's not even been a day and I'm already falling to pieces.

When you left it was like you took all the happiness out of my life and left only the sadness. It sounds cliché when I say that you were my life. That you were the reason that I lived. That you were the one.

But your not hear any more. And its kind of like I'm not either. This is the most I've communicated with anyone since the hospital. 

You know Haz announced that you had died to that bitch who wrote the article about Louis' dad? It's like he was blinded by tears. Can't say I don't know what that's like...

I'm realllllyyyyy sorry about your room by the way. It seems like yesterday that you gave me that lecture about not letting the Irish flag touch the ground. I kind of went a step further though didn't I? I ripped it in half ..... If you'd of been here you wouldn't of spoken to me for daaayyyssss.

But now I wont get to talk to you for the rest of my life. Which, to be honest Nialler, I can't see it being very long without you. If I did die, would I see you again? Yeaaaah I doubt it too.

All the directioners make a joke about being 'Niallless' for the rest of their lives every time you say you have a crush on someone. But now the world really is Niallless. It's sad really how that simple thought can kill you inside. The world will never see your perfect smile, even the fake ones, your brilliant eyes. Worst of all your voice. Your adorable accent. How it sounds kind of half english when you sing. Its going to be hell Niall.

But at least you wont be here to see the world fall apart. To see me fall apart.

Lots of love, the boy who loved you since 23/7/10:

Liam xx

Liam cried harder as he wrote one extra sentence. An extra scentence that could kill him.

The boy who is going to die to see you.

Liam stood up from the desk and walked towards the safe and unlocked it. He pulled out the object inside the safe and took a deep breath.

"LIAM!" a voice screamed from Niall's room. Zayn.

Why did Zayn always know when Liam was hurting? Why couldn't he just leave him alone?

Liam put the object into his mouth.

"Liam?!" Zayn screamed, running into the kitchen with Louis and Harry hot on his tail.

"Oh my god... " Louis whispered clutching onto Harry.

"Liam... give me the gun." Zayn whispered calmly, holding out his hand.

Liam shook his head, clicking off the safety.

"Please Liam, killing yourself won't help anything, it wont bring Niall back and it wont send you to him." Zayn told the younger boy, taking a step forward.

"NO!" Liam screamed, pulling the gun out of his mouth and pointing it at Zayn who put his hands up.

"Liam, please." Zayn whispered, his eyes wide.

"Liam, your pointing a gun at your best friend." Louis said, trying to make Liam realise what he was doing.

"Not any more." Liam whipered, pressing the gun to his temple and closing his eyes.

"Bye guys..." Liam sobbed and there was a bang and Louis and Zayn were blinded by smoke. Four seconds they heard Liam fall to the floor.

"NO!" Zayn screamed.

*read authors note to the end*

OMG! LEYUMMMMMMMMMM. Depressing huh? 

I can't believe I wrote this on Lili's birthday! SOSOSOSO sorry guys. The story will get less depressing now (kind of). Its hard to get more depressing than Liam pulling the trigger and Niall dying in a concert.  

So I'm so grateful that you all vote and read my story! I'm so grateful that I'm going to update another chapter today!

And I'm also grateful enough to everyone that reads the authors note to the end that I'm going to write the rest of this chapter now.

As soon as the smoke cleared Zayn and Louis ran towards Liam's body lying face-down on the floor.

"Liam..." Louis sobbed pulling Liam's head into his lap.

"There's no blood...." Zayn stated, checking Liam's pulse, "And he's breathing..." Louis looked up at him with tears in his eyes and laughed in shock. He bent down and kissed the top of Liam's head.

"Where's Harry?" he asked.

"Thanks for FINALLY noticing, guys.." Harry laughed, standing up from his possition on the floor. In his hands were the gun and a rag.

"What the..." Zayn began, lloking from Liam, to the gun, to the rag, to Harry.

"Chloroform." Harry laughed, "lets just say it was another item in the safe incase we got attacked." he explained.

"You prick! I thought Liam was dead! You know how I felt when I heard him hit the floor?" Louis screamed, walking up to his boyfrind and punching him in the gut over and over again. The younger boy didn't even wince.

Harry pulled Louis into a headlock and pressed the rag to his mouth. Seconds later Louis' screams and punches ceased and he fell limp in his boyfriends arms.

"Very useful.." Harry laughed, picking Louis up like he weighed nothing. Zayn stared at him like a fool, not knowing what to think.

"What?! He would never of got to sleep tonight!" Harry exclaimed, kissing Louis' hair, "but he is going to kill me tomorrow. Probably. There is a chance he won't remember a thing..." he trailed off.

"I agree with him," Zayn said, standing up and picking up Liam, "You are a prick.".

Okay, NOW I've finished. 

I never said Liam was dead! I just said he pulled the trigger. I didn't say the bullet hit him. If anyone cares the bullet hit a pot of marmite. HATE THAT STUFF!

So any ideas what I should call the fans of this book? Best idea gets next chapter dedicated to them.

Lots of Love,

Sophy xx

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