Chapter Eleven- The Funeral

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The four remaining members of one direction stood among a huddle of black suits and dresses, staring at the Irish flg, draped over the black coffin that lay before them. The day was dark, cold and misty, and rain poured down on the small group of people in the minature graveyard

This is it... Liam thought to himself.

This was the moment it finally hit him. Tears began to roll down his face as he watched Maura Horan whisper quietly into the microphone next to the six foot hole which would soon become Niall's eternal resting place.

"God blessed me with two perfect children, both of which I am so proud of, but he took one of them away too soon. Nineteen is no age for any child to leave this earth. I know many people will miss him, but only few of us will know how it feels to have been left with a gaping hole due to my sweet innocent baby leaving this earth." Maura said, the last part directed towards a silently weeping Liam, who was being held by a somber Harry.

"Next to give their goodbyes, Liam Payne." The vicar said, "Would you like to come up Liam?"

The boys looked at Liam in shock. He had told them he wasn't going to speak at the funeral, in fact, Louis was to be the only boy to speak, although he was speaking for all of them. But as Liam stood up, Zayn felt a kind of admiration for the young boy. He knew what it meant, and how much Liam would of regretted not speaking.

Liam walked to the microphone and pulled out a sheet of paper, looked at it and smiled slightly, and put it back in his pocket. He looked towards the audience, and then to Zayn, who simply smiled. That was all the encouragment he needed. With a small tear in his eye, Liam began.

"Niall was such a dear friend to me. My best friend. I will never forget how much fun we had together. I was having difficulty deciding what to say here today, i even had a speech, but instead I've decided to make a list, and talk about the things that I will miss most about him.

I will miss the way we used to laugh at silly things backstage, or pass notes to each other in important interviews.

I will miss when we used to dress up, go to a fast food joint, and pretend we were eating at a fancy restaurant.

I will miss watching movies with you, and talking about how certain things in them could never happen.

I will miss the way you used to eat chocolate cereal with chocolate milk, even though I thought it was disgusting." Liam laughed a small laughed and looked up, looking into the crowd. He was still there with them, but yet, so far away. He was finally remembering all the things they did do together, not what they missed out on.

"I will miss the way you used to stick your tongue out and squint our eyes every time you heard the word Barbaric. That was so weird to me.

I will miss talking to fans with you, and crying over their comments with you.

I will miss our weekend ski trips and summer rafting trips.

I will miss the way you snored before falling asleep.

I will miss our arguments over everything, but mostly over politics.

I will miss your hair, your eyes, your nose, your smile, your laugh, and your cry. They were all so wonderful to me."  Liam looked towards the picture on the table. A beautiful picture of Niall laughing with his brother at the dinner table in the Horan's house.

"But most of all, I will miss my friend. Niall, you were so important to me. I will never forget all the great times we had together. We experienced so much together, good and bad, but both came out the other side better people and closer friends. You were beautiful and charming, funny and annoying. I will miss everything about you.

I love you Nialler."

Liam looked up and burst into tears. He ran down the steps of the raised stage into Harry's arms, as Louis asscended the stairs.

 "So this is kinda hard..." Louis stated with a laugh.

"I'm speaking- well supposed to be- on behalf of all of One Direction. Niall meant- means- a lot to us. We just can't believe he's gone. One moment we're having the time of our lives, the next our best friend is ripped away from us.

We were lucky... Well that's wat the doctor said." Louis looked down and laughed slightly, "We got to say good-bye. We shouldn't of had to be saying good-bye, but we got to. I, personally, am just glad the last thing that Niall saw was hundreds of smiling faces infront of him. He was doing what he loved." Louis felt tears prick his eyes as he looked at all the expectant faces. He remembered every moment he had spent with the blond boy, and bile rose in his throat.

He looked towards the single member of the press who had been alowed to record the funeral- for publicity of course.

"This is the end of One Direction." Louis stated, to the shock of Richard who was sat in the second row, "Without Niall... We are no longer." with that, the seemingly strong Louis broke down in front of the two-hundred people at his best friend's funeral. He ran off the stage towards the van parked in the parking lot and let the tears fall freely down his face.

He was gagging and choking by the time Paul made it to him. Shaking violently, he let out one long, high pitched scream, and collapsed into his seat, sobbing silently.

He knew what the press were saying, about him being strong. He knew the boys thought that he was coping. But the scars on his arms proved them all wrong.



It has been soo long and I honestly have no excuse! I know I keep saying that I'll update more, but this time I 100% promise!! This is a short author's note because I'm gonna go write another chapter so I have no excuse not to update!

Until next time my lovelies,

The unicorn queen,

Sophy xx 

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