Chapter five - Hate is not a strong enough word.

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Short chapter.

                        Chapter five- Hate is not a strong enough word.

"Open up!" a voice shouted, followed by a series of bangs on the door.

"Urgh..." Louis moaned, sitting up and running a hand through his sweaty brown hair. He had a terrible headache but he had no idea why. 

"Louis! Harold! Zayn! Liam! Open this door!" the voice screamed again, followed by even louder bangs.

"Oh Richard I hate you." Louis moaned, rubbing his eyes and swinging his legs out of the bed.

"Babe, leave it, he'll go." Harry told Louis in his sexy morning voice, proping himself up of his elbow.

He cupped Louis' face and kissed his boyfriend, pulling the older boy back into the bed. Straddling the older boy, he bagan to roam Louis' topless body, grinding their hips  together. Louis moaned and tugged on his curly hair as he kissed down Louis' neck, sucking on his sweet spots. Harry's hands roamed down towards his boyfriends pants and he tugged at the elastic.

"I swear to god if you do not open this door..." Richards muffled shouts of frustration came from the other side of the door.

"Apparently not." Louis said, leaning down to give his boyfriend one last kiss.

Louis made his way through the flat towards the door. He opened it only to almost get punched in the face by a very annoyed looking manager.

"Oh dear god, Richard, I hate you." Louis said before walking into the flat and sitting on the sofa.

"Have you not heard of answering doors?" Richard asked Louis, annoyed.

"Have you not heard of sleep?" Louis sassed back, raising an eyebrow.

"Well anyway there's a reporter coming in an hour to ask about Horan's death." Richard told him.

"What the-" Louis began.

"What sort of heartless bastard are you? Its barely been a day and your arrainging an interview?!" Harry shouted, walking across the room from his current possition by the door.

"This happens in the industry, Harold." Richard told him, "Any who, I must be going. And by the way, I advise one of you to wear black." and without further explanation he walked out the door.

"Hate is not a strong enough word for me to use right now." Louis growled, running a hand through his hair.

"Aww I feel it too baby." Harry whispered, wrapping his hands around his boyfriend and pressing a kiss to his neck, "Now you make breakfast while I wake Li and Zayn." Harry told him, unwrapping his arms.

Louis smiled sadly and walked into the kitchen, pouring five bowls of cereal and placing them on the counter.

"I do make a good cereal." Louis mumbled, sitting down and pulling out a fork. God help you if you used a spoon infront of Liam.

Two minutes later Harry and Zayn walked in followed by a depressed looking Liam. Louis almost choaked on his cereal at the sight of Liam. He was wearing Niall's black tank top, which was way too small for him, and a pair of boxers. He also seemed to have lost about three stone over night and his eyes were puffy and red.

"Holy shit Liam, you look like crap!" Louis exclaimed before he could help himself, "Sorry." he muttered.

"Four." Liam choaked, his voice hoarse from crying.

"What?" Zayn asked while Louis looked on in confusion.

"There's four of us" Liam stated, his eyes focused on the bowls at the table.

"We know, mate." Harry told him, patting his back, but Liam shrugged him off.

"Why is the breakfast table s-set for f-five then?" Liam asked, bursting into teard half way through his scentence.

"Oh my god, Li I'm so sorry!" Louis exclaimed, grabbing the bowl set in Niall's place and throwing it into the sink, causing it to smash.

"Just make him come back!" Liam screamed, running out of the room in floods of tears.

Another chapter! Two in one day!

My computers playing up now!

So I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Though it may not seem it it's a very important chapter! Someone who seems to be coping well might not be after all?

And if your wondering, Louis and Liam don't remember the night before and Zarry have decided never to speak about it. Ever. It will probably come up in the next chapters though. EVER.

So Lima Payno is 20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH! And this is us is out! I'm gonna go see it tomorrow! Oh I love living in England! AND I drove through Holmes Chapel last week. FANGIRL!!!!!!!!!!!! I live like ten minutes away from Harold! :D.

Talking of fangirls, whoever thinks of a name for fans of this story gets this chapter dedicated to them. I was thinking of supernatural love-makers but I thought, nah, best not.

So keep voting and following and commenting!

5 votes and four comments for the next chapter. EVIL IS HERE!

Lots of supernatural love,

Sophy xx

Ps. comment if you love unicorns and I'll put you in this book.

Supernatural love (A Niam Horayne AU)Where stories live. Discover now