2.3 December 27, 2006

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Mike opened the front door to Cashba's. His nervousness was making me laugh. "It's not that big of a deal."

"It is. I don't want people to think I'm that guy who just hangs around work all the time because I have no life or some shit." He repeated. The cold air-conditioning of an empty venue chilled me to the bone- the fact that I was in booty shorts and a tank-top, per uniform, didn't help either.

"No one thinks that, Mike. We all know it." I teased.

"Bitch." He groaned, taking a seat at the bar as I dipped behind it to clock in.

I ran into Lindsey in the locker area. "Look who's just on time."

"Hey, I'm not early, but I'm here." I punched my card, and dropped my over-night bag into my locker. I'm always early, coming in just on time is Lindsey's thing, but with Mike I was cutting it close.

"You still not feeling well?" She asked me was a dramatic frown.

I rolled my eyes, "I know what you're thinking and that's not an option."

"Hey, I'm just saying that I've been where you are." She told me. She looked around the locker room; it was just the two of us. She moved a pregnancy test from her bag into mine.

I grabbed it back out. "Lindsey, that's not-"

My boss, Herb, walked in making me stop, suddenly dropping it back into my bag. "Ladies hurry up!"

I'm never this late, and I don't need Herb thinking that I'm pregnant. People get fired for that, and being tardy because of it gives them the legitimacy to do such a thing. "Sorry, sir."

"Mariella? I expect better from you; you're normally early." He scolded me, before leaving the room. I felt my shoulders deflate. It's one time, and it's not even my fault. Stupid Michael.

"Hey, I appreciate the fact that you're always early. I'm never here first and it's boring as hell." Linds complained, lacing up a pair of boots.

I just smiled. I never minded the time alone. I'm also an introvert though, and Lindsey is looking for every party she can get her hands on. Her tips reflect it too. Mine just reflect my naturally ample chest and 'endearing, shy smile' as my (creep of a) boss calls it. Her tips are way better than mine, but I can afford rent, so it's okay.

"So, why are you running so late today, if not your little parasite?" She asked me with a playful jab at my uterus.

"There is not a para- whatever. I got a ride in. My closet needed more shelves, so I was waiting on him to finish." I told her, swatting he hand way from me as she giggled.

Linds gagged, pushing open the door to the main bar area so we could start prepping. "You two are so fucking adorable. It makes me sick. He's fixing your garbage disposal and installing closet shelves. I don't remember the last time I saw you take out your own trash either. Why don't you two just move in together? It sounds like it would save him a hell of a lot of work."

I rolled my eyes at her. Lindsey had Jaime and me on some weird pedestal. "Because Jaime's not the one who put the shelves in. And we can't move in together yet. I know it's been a couple years, but I don't think he's really that serious yet. He's got Pierce the Veil and stuff."

"Yet." She grinned back.

"We'll see." I said trying to hide my smile back too. I hadn't meant to say 'yet.' I have no confidence that Jaime will ever get serious about me and him together, but I would like to think he might. I'd like to be with him through all the ups and downs.

"Wait then who put in your- Why the fuck is Mike Fuentes here? I switched to this shift so that I wouldn't have to work with him yesterday." She caught sight of Mike and looked absolutely disgusted.

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