2.10 January 31, 2007

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Wednesday is my least favorite day. It has been since August when this school year started, although today it's exceptionally worse.

This morning I woke up late because I forgot to set my alarm because Jaime came over to my place last night and ended up sleeping over. That's good news. We're talking again. We talked about a lot of important things, but not about the actual issue at hand.

I got to El Capitan late for my practicums which means that Mr. B chewed me out for interrupting his class. Jaime sent me flowers during that class which would be a bonus under any other circumstance, but was not because that gave B even more ammunition to throw at me.

The card that came with the flowers was cute though, it said: I fucked up again. My place at eight. JP. Now, this doesn't sound too romantic, but it's a nearly identical copy of only other flowers he sent me when we first got together. It's cute, in a Jaime-way. I still have that card hanging on the mirror in my bedroom because it's just so him. I guess I can start a collection of fuck-up cards now.

Anyway, because I was late leaving my practicum (getting yelled at) I was late to my Classroom Management and Inclusive Learning class. My professor didn't say anything, but I saw her note my tardiness. There goes my participation points for the day. It's like I should have just skipped. The whole lecture portion of the class was a mess and my attendance is perfect so far, so I can miss some.

After an hour and a half she let us go for a snack, which of course my card got declined at the vending machine. I knew my card was low, but I thought I could afford the one dollar bag of pretzels. There were even people behind me in the vending machine line, so it was double embarrassing.

Vic called me during the group-work portion of the class. Continually. It agitated my group members to the point that I had to turn my phone off. By the time I remembered to turn my phone back on, I was running back to El Capitan where I proctor detention. I was late again because my group work took longer than expected and I got stuck in traffic leaving the University. I was tired and exhausted and today could not get any worse if it tried. My phone screen lit up and I saw that I had a voicemail. I figured I better see what Vic wanted.

"Mariella, please tell me that you're not late and on your phone." Mr. B said as I swung open the door to detention. There was probably fifteen kids in here today- an unusually high number.

"I'm so sorry. My class as SDSU ran over, and I've got voice mails from- oh this is my other boss hang on." I popped back out the door.

"Mariella!" Mr. B. looked unimpressed with me.

I listened to my voicemail box. Herb's typically bored demeanor greeted me with a groan. "Mariella, hey. I had someone cancel on me tonight, so I need you to come in from eight to close. I called Lindsey, but she said that you would be able to take the shift. She's got something going on with Tony."

"Tony?" I asked as if the voicemail were able to respond to me.

"To erase this message-"

I hung up the phone and dialed Linds, who always picks up her phone. I groaned as it went to voicemail, "Linds, it's me. Jaime and I talked last night and we have a thing tonight to finish talking, but I just got called in to work. They said that they talked to you first and that you have a thing with Tony? What the hell- you were hooking up with Mike last night? Listen- I don't know what's going on, but if you could cover this shift I would-"

"Voicemail box full. Thank you." The call disconnected.

What the hell is that? Since when do phones just hang up. I was out of options though. Jaime should be at work again today, so I guess I'll just text him during detention. I went back into the classroom under the watchful eye of the teacher who is covering for me and every student in the room. "I'm sorry."

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