2.12 February 4 2007

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Sorta just a goofy time filler. Two more left in this arc.
We were cuddled up in his black silk sheets, naked and unashamed when Jaime's face changed. He looked suddenly disappointed, "I didn't get to win you an animal at the fair."

"That's fine." I told him.

"No. I wanted to get you one, we were going to name it Jaime junior and call it JJ. I was going to take it on tour and send you pictures of all the cool stuff we did together." He whined.

I laughed at him. "Whatever. I'm going to get some milk. Do you want anything?"

"We don't have any 2 percent." Jaime said.

I was confused, they always had 2 percent milk. "What?"

"Well, I don't drink milk, but Tony prefers whole. Since you weren't around we got whole milk." He told me.

"That's disgusting." I muttered.

"Drink that or there's a gas station down the road." He groaned, rolling over in the sheets.

I pulled the blankets off from him, "Come with me to the gas station."

Jaime groaned and reached for the blankets that were out of his reach. "No. I don't want to get dressed."

"Please? We can just wear comfy stuff, it's a 7-11. There's those vinegar chips that you like." I sang the end hoping to entice him.

Jaime groaned and gave in, throwing a pair of his boxers at me. I rolled my eyes but slipped them on anyway with an old NOFX shirt that Jaime knew I liked to wear. He didn't even bother getting a shirt for himself.

I grabbed the milk from the refrigerator section of this dirty little convenience store and met Jaime up at the counter. It was like five dollars because Jaime wanted the big bag of chips. I rolled my eyes, but slid my card. That annoying buzzer noise beeped back at me. "Your card was declined."

I rolled my eyes, "Hime, do you have five bucks in your car? I forgot that my account is in over-draft."

"Sure. Uh- Just hold on a second." He agreed and went outside.

I stood at the counter, unable to even look up at the kid working the desk. I was wearing Jaime's clothes- his underwear at that- and what I now saw were a mix-matched pair of his slides. Dear Lord. At least I still had my contacts in, adding my glasses to this mess would be icing on the cake.

Jaime came back in the store, talking away on my phone. "Sorry- I just ran out to the car to grab a five, she's right here. Ella, you forgot your phone in the truck. It's uh- Mr. B."

I rolled my eyes, deciding to tease him "Are you still seventeen? You can call him Frank."

"Do you call him Frank?" Jaime asked.

"Hell no." I took the phone from him, "Hey Mr. B."

"Mariella, my daughter is throwing up. I took her to the doctor and he said that she's contagious. I have my lesson plans on my desk. Can you teach until the end of next week?"

"Like the whole class?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. I have my lesson plans that you can use or not. I just need someone to cover for me, and it'll be a pain to get a sub this last-minute. You're already approved, so you'll get a substitute's salary."

Money? I could use some of that. "Absolutely. Until next Friday?"

"Yes I'll make sure you paid for Fridays too, just on principle."

"Thank you so much. You're amazing." I said breathing just a tad easier.

"You're saving my ass too. Just promise me one thing."

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