2.7 January 4, 2007

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I was headed over to Costco, my head weighted down with everything that everyone was telling me. Mike was reminding me that I was fucked up. Vic was reminding me that there was no way Jaime would stick around if he knew how fucked up I was. And then Mike came in with the kill, telling me that all of my mess was just twenty minutes away, and working for just above minimum wage with Tony.

My dad is back in the fringes of my life, and I don't now how I feel about that.

I dipped into the bathroom as soon as I got to Costco and threw up the pretzels and fruit cup that I had eaten for lunch. The stomach acid burned my busted lip as it came back up, An employee heard me and came to help, but I just told her to get Jaime.

After the fourth round of bile, I heard the door open, "Just stay out here and let me know if any other women need to use the restroom."

"Yes, sir." I heard a girl chirp back.

"Hello?" In came the voice that I had been dying to hear.

"Jaime." I managed to sputter out, unlocking the door and letting its uneven hang swing it open.

"Ella? Jesus, are you alright? Did that guy hit you in the stomach?"

"No. I'm fine. I'm not sure why I'm throwing up, honestly." I said ounces pathetic, even to my own ears. I hadn't been trying to.

"Okay." He looked round the cubicle and backed up to get me a cold, wet paper towel. He wiped my mouth with one and set the other on my forehead. "You don't feel clammy."

I didn't feel fine either. We were both kneeling on the floor, so I let myself fall into him, his strong arms stretched around me and holding me tightly to his chest. One of his warm hands was slipping down the flat-ironed side of my hair. "What did you eat?"

"I had some pretzels and a fruit cup with Mike this afternoon. I had half a bagel this morning as I ran out the door." I whimpered. I felt the feeling boiling back up, so I leaned back towards the toilet and grabbed my hair.

Jaime pulled it back and held it all in one hand for me, the other running along my back, "If you weren't throwing up, I'd tell you to eat more."

"Jaime?" a girl came up behind us. She paused for a second and that's when I felt the uncomfortable grip in my gut and the ripple that followed. I was down to just painful acid that was coming up, but it still came.

"There, love. You feeling better."  He tried to soothe me.

"N-" I couldn't finish the word as a sixth wave came up.

Whoever the girl behind me was, she let out a noise similar to my own. I brought you a Gatorade and some saltines from the breakroom. I don't think I should stay though."

"Thanks, Rach." I felt the hand on my back disappear.

"Take my hair-tie too. You need it more than me." She offered.

Jaime chuckled, "Thank you."

"Not a problem." The girl sounded uncomfortable being around my vomiting, and her footfalls across the tile quickly echoed around until the door closed, yet again.

Jaime tried to knot my hair but failed miserably, leaving me to take it down and put it up right. I felt gross, and I didn't really want him to touch me, but I let him run a hand up and down my back. I know that being still is hard for him, and not being able to help is worse.

"You think you're done?" He asked after a few quiet minutes.

"Yeah." I croaked, my throat aching.

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