2.14 March 3 2007

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"You told him, not me." Jaime raised his hands defensively. He just watched as I threw clothes around on his bed, trying to find something to wear. The clattering sounds of the hangers colliding were just making me even more stressed out. I couldn't find clothes to wear, let alone face my life once I got in them.

I rolled my eyes, "I didn't think he would listen. We have shit going on tonight."

"Don't talk like that in front of him." Jaime reprimanded me.

I was not impressed. "Is Tony going tonight, or is it just us?"

"It's just us, my parents, Chris and Trish." He said, taking down a white button up shirt that I had out, hanging on his door frame for him.

"Don't put that on yet, you'll mess it up." I warned him. Last time it was toothpaste, but who knows what could happen to his nice shirt with our guest coming over.

"How am I going to do that?" Jaime asked.

I shrugged, "You'll find a way."

He groaned, but the doorbell rang which interrupted the banter. We both just looked at each other. Jaime went to the door and I followed, standing in the kitchen where I could see but wouldn't be in the way. "Hi."

"Hi, Jose, right?" It was Liza.

"Jaime." He corrected her. I wanted to roll my eyes. She didn't know either of our names, but she was going to leave her son with us. Dangerous stuff.

"This is Noah. Noah can you say 'hi'? ...No? Okay. Can I come in for a second and show you some stuff." She asked through a wide smile of her gums and large teeth.

"Sure? Ella, come in here and see this." He shouted back to me.

I came into the living room just in time to see a small boy in jeans with loose curls that dripped just to his ears fall face-first on the rug. I went over to lift him back up. "Careful, buddy."

"He's clumsy." Liza shook her head.

"He's a good walker." Jaime said.

She didn't look impressed. "He's two. He learned how to walk a long time ago. When he gets excited he'll run and fall though. Anyway, Manny said that he needed nice clothes, so I packed some dress pants and a white button-up. There's a vest in here so he doesn't ruin the shirt. I figured it was pointless to put him in it now."

I grinned, and lifted the baby up onto my hip. So this is Noah. My little brother, Noah. "I just told Jaime the same thing."

Liza laughed, "You're making him wear a vest too?"

"No, I'm just not letting him put his shirt and tie on yet."

"That's smart." She said, "I have to do the same thing with your father."

He's not my farther, not really. I ignored her comment and just held up a hand to Noah for a high-five. I wasn't looking for a relationship with Liza or Manny; my interest in them was purely selfish and for Noah.

"So, what's with all of the extra stuff?" Jaime said looking at the stack of stuff that was carried in. Hime gave me a look to warn me not to say exactly what I'm thinking. I've corrected Tony about Manny being my dad and that has only started fights. I know to play nice right now though.

"Diapers, wipes, pajamas and clothes are all in this bag. I've got toys in the canvas bag, and then Manny insisted that I bring this box. It's out of the storage unit; I have no idea what it is." Liza rolled her eyes in annoyance, but shrugged it off, looking back at her son.

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