2.4 December 29, 2006

6 1 0


"I thought we were going to your parents?" I told Jaime.

His truck was now parked outside of Vic and Mike's place. "Nah. Watching the game here. Is that a problem?"

"Nope. Not at all." I lied.

We went in and sat down. I just went strait into the kitchen, tracing a path that I knew all too well. I set up my books on the table while the boys were in the living room watching whatever game it was. Chivas versus- really I don't know. Jaime's just screaming a lot and I recognize a few players' names as ones that he complains about often. That would make them part of team Chiva. I don't really speak sports.

I was feeling queasy the whole time. I even threw up the nachos that Mike had made for everyone. Mike makes good food too. It's spicy, but I love it so much.

There was girlish laughter all of a sudden that I'm really not used to hearing. A tiny, blonde thing on a phone popped her head in around the corner. She just went to the fridge, in search of what looked to be wine coolers. "I don't know. He said like 'a break' but I don't know what he's talking about exac- hey, I've got to go. I'll call you back... okay bye."

I had just finished up the one-page reflection on a chapter that I was skimming in-between jumps from Jaime's outburst. I closed up my books, instead opting to open up my grade book. I had more homework to do, but Mr. B. had given me some papers to grade over this weekend and I could really use the distraction. Grading uses a different part of your brain than application writing. "Hi. Are you- Gabriella?"

I looked up at the girl, her cellphone perched in her hand as she flipped it open and closed. "No."

She bit her lip sitting down in the chair beside me, "But you're Jaime's girlfriend."

I looked up at her, lowering my red pen. I guess we're having a conversation now. "Yes."

"Okay, well- Jaime's girlfriend Ella." She guessed again.

"It's short for Mariella." I told her.

"Why didn't you just say that?" She looked a little offended.

How was I supposed to know she didn't just know my name? I don't even know where she got the notion of 'Gabriella' from- Ella, I guess. Jaime's the only one who calls me that though. Everyone else calls me 'Mari' Mari-ella. Mariella. It makes sense. I guess I have been giving her short, crass answers though. I tried my best to smile and not be so annoyed by her interruption, "I'm sorry. Who are you exactly?"

"I'm Jenna. Vic's girlfriend." She said happily.

I smiled. So, this was Jenna. Jaime said she was stupid- maybe he was right. "Oh, okay. I've heard a lot about you."

"Yeah? You too. Um- so I actually... I'm really busy right now, but I wanted to ask you a question." She sat down in the chair beside me, facing me and leaning forward in a terrifyingly attentive manner.

She was busy? I'm the one in front of a mountain of books. She was talking on her phone and drinking wine coolers. I decided to swallow my self-righteousness. "Sure, ask anything."

She looked towards the living room and then back at me. "Mike sort of accidently said that you and Vic used to be friends before like- whatever happened with you and Jaime."

I blinked. Friends? Accidently? Mike doesn't accidently say anything. He's incredibly trustworthy, but he's also deliberate and a bit conniving when he wants to be. There's not a doubt in my mind that Mike has somehow orchestrated this. He's a lot like Lindsey in that way, which is probably why they're so great together. It's also why they're always one step away from murder. "I guess you could say that we were friends, yeah."

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