17||now i'm sleepless, over the edge, i'm just breathless

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"Hey," I say deliberately, as I shove the door to the bookstore open and look at Mona's tired eyes. "How was your night?"

"Shitty," she says, aggressively opening the cash register and counting the money there. "How was yours, Katherine?"

I don't think I should share the joy of sleeping next to Griffin with her, so I just shrug and head to the backroom. I toss my jacket and phone onto one of the chaise lounges, then I walk over to where Mona is standing and wrap her in a hug.

"I'm sorry," I mumble. "Did he call or anything?"

"No, but I was very explicit about him not calling," she says, pulling away and casting her eyes to the floor. "God"—her voice breaks and her shoulders drop— "I miss him so much, Kathy. And it's only been a night."

She wipes at the tears falling down her cheeks and inhales. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get so— "

"I know," I assure her, grabbing one of her hands and squeezing it. "But I'm always here, Monie. For anything."

"Thanks," she chokes out, running a hand through her hair. She rolls her shoulders and forces a smile. "So. Want to man the register today? I'm scared I'll start crying. I'm kind of a mess."

"It's not a problem," I say, sweeping over to the cash register and shuffling my flip-flops in distaste. (Can you shuffle flip-flops in distaste??????) "But since I'm doing this, can you play music that doesn't suck today?"

"My music taste doesn't suck," she snaps, feigning offense and flinging a hand over her heart. "If you have a problem, you should leave."

"I can't; you're a mess, and I can't leave the store in your hands."

She laughs, even though I'm not joking at all, and heads over to the backroom, where our sound system is located. "Is There Somewhere" by Halsey floods the tiny shop in the next few seconds, and Mona's head pops out of the room.

"This good, Kathy?"

"God, yes," I breathe, swaying gently to the beat.


I'm halfway through my shift when Griffin enters. I lift a hand in a wave, but then I see Lucia tucked under his arm, and I look away. He's brought his entire crowd, with their makeup and smiles and judgmental gazes. I want to yell at him, but I'm in the middle of trying not to yell at a completely different person.

"Ma'am, I'm telling you: we don't have The Dirtiest of Secrets in hardcover. It's exclusively paperback here, but I'm sure you can find something on Amazon," I say, clenching my hands into fists under the counter.

"I need a hardcover."

"Well, we can't always get what we want," I snap.

Mona catches my eye over the counter, purses her lips, then points stiffly to the woman in front of me. She's one of those purse-dog people, with a yapping Chihuahua and a tall skinny frappucino with more whipped cream than someone as skinny as her could possibly devour.

"I mean; it's really not here. The best we've got is a paperback. But we sell postcards, too, if you'd like one of those."

"You clearly aren't listening," she says, rolling her eyes and tossing her hair. "I need a hardcover, or my husband will be so mad."

"How old is he?" I ask sweetly, propping my chin up on my fist. "Ninety-six?"

A few things happen at once: the woman gasps, the dog barks, and Mona scrambles over to me with flashing eyes. She grabs my wrist and pulls me from behind the counter with a clenched jaw and a, "I'll help you in a moment, ma'am," over her shoulder.

"What the hell, Katherine?" she exclaims, "I know you aren't the nicest person out there, but really? A gold digger joke?"

"At the time, it seemed like a badass move."

"Well, at this time, it seems like my favorite employee is about to get fired."

"Please don't fire me," I beg, widening my eyes for good measure. People tell me I have imploring eyes, and I'm trying to implore, so... "I won't be snarky to the customers again, I promise."

"Your promises mean nothing to me."


"Fine. Go walk it off. And when you return, you're fired if you don't have coffee."

"Of course," I say quickly, kissing her cheeks and making my way to the door. I catch Griffin's eye as I walk, and he gives me a goofy grin. He bumps his shoulder with mine as we walk past each other and winks saucily.

"Hey," he says, striding over to me and smiling broadly. "How's work?"

"I'm in trouble for sassing a customer," I tell him. "She wanted a hardcover edition of some trashy romance novel, but we only have it in paperback, and—are you okay?"

He's watching me, playing with the ends of my hair as I talk. It's not abnormal for him to be affectionate, but he's usually looks a little less enamored.

"Huh? Yes, I'm fine," he dismisses, letting his hands fall to my waist. "Why do you ask?"

"You looked a little spacy," I answer, furrowing my brows and staring up at him. "is something going on with your parents or something?"

"No, I haven't seen them today," he says. "I'm just so tired."

"How is that possible? We slept the entire day."

"Yeah, and now those people want me to go to some party or whatever, but I just want to cuddle and go back to sleep," he complains. "Can you tell them I'm sick or, like, dead?"

"No, I have to get coffee."

"I'll go with you," he says, brightening, then he glances over his shoulder at his friends and yells, "I've found my dear friend Katherine! We're getting coffee! Good day!" Then he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the store.

"Smooth," I comment, glancing up at him.

"I know," he agrees, flexing dramatically. "So. Can I sleep over tonight?"

"Maybe. I sleep really well when you're there, but if you sleep over, we're going to school tomorrow."

"Yeah, okay, whatever," he says, waving a dismissive hand. "I just don't want to go home."

Nodding, I hook my arm through his and pull him into the Starbucks to our left.

A/N: The views are rolling in, and it's making me very happy. So thank you. Please comment if you like this or vote if you like this or smile fondly at your screen if you like this. Whatever works for you.

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