epilogue||your eyes are the only refuge i find

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Katherine is ridiculously easy to find in a crowd. She always has those white Apple earbuds tucked in her ears, and she's generally bobbing her head or something to the beat. That, and she's stunning.

Currently, she's half-listening to a petite brunette as she talks to her, and her eyes are trained on her rubber flip-flops. Her hips are swaying just slightly, and there's a tiny smile tugging on the lips I want to kiss. The lips I haven't kissed in two whole weeks.

We typically visit each other on the weekends, but she's been studying for finals for the past couple weekends and I've been unable to receive my weekly Katherine fix. I haven't even talked to her in a few days, and I want to hear her voice even more than I want to kiss her.

Katherine lifts her exasperated eyes, and they somehow find mine. Her entire face lights up in adoration, and then she's muttering a goodbye to the girl beside her and crossing the distance between us. Her eyes are wide and urgent, remaining locked on mine as she shoves her way through the parking lot and loops her arms around my neck.

"Griffin," she breathes into my chest, inhaling the smell of my aftershave.

I don't kiss her until I have the curve of her waist memorized again, and she doesn't complain. She's as happy to be in my company as I am to be in hers, but when I kiss her, we both perk up a little. She kisses me back eagerly, expertly, having done this several times before.

I don't think I'll ever get tired of kissing her or touching her or even just looking at her. She's beautiful and her the lips are the softest I've ever felt. I knew I missed her, but I don't think it's healthy, the way I'm kissing her. Like I'll never kiss her again.

I'm scared I might be hurting her with the ferocity of the kiss, so I pull away and rest my forehead against hers, feeling the rise and fall of her chest against mine. Her eyes are shining—with tears, hopefully of joy, and she's clutching my arms like they're lifelines. Her hand drops to one of my belt loops and she hooks her thumb in it, pulling me closer to her.

"I've missed you," she says, tilting her head back to be able to gaze properly at me. I slide my hand along the curve of her neck and down to her waist, enjoying the subtle way her hips shift closer to mine. "So much."

"Me, too, baby," I say, pressing my lips to her forehead. "Me fucking too."

She flashes a beautiful smile, one that makes myheart melt, and I pull her closer. 

A/N: actually done now. this is griffin's point of view, in case you couldn't tell. I hope you enjoyed this, thank you for reading. thank you specifically to @MirandaFouchey for voting and being sweet, and also to SorryThatIsIncorrect for also voting and being sweet. 

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