25||let's cause a little trouble, oh you make me feel so weak

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Griffin and I are curled up on my bed, snuggling close to each other and watching the season finale of Jessica Jones. His hands are on my back, twisting the hem of my t-shirt with his fingers and tracing my spine. I want him to kiss me again, but I simultaneously don't want to seem needy.


I lift my head from his chest and raise my eyebrows questioningly.


"Wanna make out?" he asks, waggling his eyebrows and brushing his knuckles against my lower back. "It'll be fun."

I kiss him before he can make any sexual remarks—because my cheeks really don't need to be redder than they already are. He runs his hands over the curve of my waist and smiles against my lips, murmuring my name softly. I'm slipping my tongue into his mouth and deepening the kiss when my doorknob turns, and I'm so lost in him that I don't really notice until my mother's shrill voice exclaims, "Katherine Jane Worthington, what in the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Um," I mumble, sitting up—which is probably a bad idea because now I'm straddling him in front of my mother, "nothing?"


"Nothing?" Griffin adds, quirking a brow and barely concealing his smile. "I thought it was something, Katherine."

"You're not funny," I hiss, scrambling off of his hips and smiling sweetly at my mother. "Did I forget to tell you about him?"

"Yes, honey," she says, low and measured, "you did. Go downstairs with your boyfriend and wait for me."

Wordlessly, I slip past her and wait by the doorway for Griffin to collect himself and join me. His cheeks glow with color, and I'm not sure if it's because my hands were running over his abs before my mother walked in or if he's embarrassed. Judging by the wink he shoots me, it's the former.

"This should be fun," he whispers to me as we make our way down the stairs. "Try not to act completely ashamed of me."

"Where would you get that idea?"

"Um, nothing," he mocks, but there's a little bit of hurt lingering in his eyes. I glance over my shoulder at my mother to find her standing in the doorway of Steph and Becca's room.

"Griffin," I mutter, ensuring she's not looking before I crush my lips to his again and run my hands through his hair. "It's not nothing, I'm just terrified of my mother."

He stares into my eyes, keeping his hands on my waist and considering me. A smile spreads on his face, and he presses a chaste kiss to the corner of my mouth before he pulls away. "Okay, fine. But I'm sensitive, so be sweet."

I run my fingertips over his jaw and settle at the kitchen table. Griffin mutters something under his breath and catches up to me quickly—long legs.

"So," Mom says, sitting opposite us and narrowing her eyes. "You're screwing my daughter?"

"Mom, we're not— "

"I didn't ask you," she snaps. "Griffin, are you and my daughter having sex? Katherine, shut up."

I scoff and lean back in my seat as she faces Griffin again. "Well?"

"Uh, no, ma'am. We were just kissing," he mumbles, blushing adorably.

"If I hadn't walked in, what would have happened?"

"I would've stopped her or she would've stopped me, and then we would've finished Jessica Jones."

"Katherine, is this true?"

"Yes," I say quickly, leaning forward. "We weren't doing anything bad. Can we go back upstairs?"

"I think Griffin should go home for today," she says, pursing her lips. "But maybe tomorrow, hon."

Griffin kisses my cheek quickly, then leaves. My mother sighs and crosses her arms as she regards me. I want her to talk or yell or something, but she just purses her lips again and sighs again.

"Sweetheart," she murmurs, sliding to the edge of her seat and grabbing my hand. "Do you know what happened with Mrs. Greene and your father three years ago?"

My stomach twists like I should know, but I don't. I shake my head, she bites her lip and tries not to cry—unsuccessfully, because a single tear falls from her eye and drips down to her chin before she brushes it away. I expect her to tell me or something, but she doesn't.

"Good," she whispers, her voice choked and terrible. "You can go upstairs now."


K's Darling: hey, what did your mom say?

Little Duck: she doesn't care about you and me but she's being weird and evasive about something

K's Darling: really

Little Duck: really

K's Darling: any theories?

Little Duck: it has something to do with your mom and my dad

K's Darling: then it can only be bad

Little Duck: I appreciate the reassurance

K's Darling: anytime, babe

Little Duck: should we dtr?

K's Darling: will you be my girlfriend, Katherine?

Little Duck: yes

K's Darling: *kiss*

Little Duck: are you trying to sext me

K's Darling: yes

Little Duck: ew bye

K's Darling: sweet dreams

A/N: this is awkward because this chapter was so blah. guys, malec makes me really happy inside like i just watched the malec episode of shadowhunters and i've never squealed so loudly. that was so perfect. thank you for reading bye.

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