As Austin left my room, I glanced at the clock and it was 7 o'clock. I got up and admired the beautiful sunset. Well, I got up, took bathe and dressed myself in a Sundress.
"Is everything alright? You woke up so early." Anna said.
"Everything is fine Ok. Now get up and get ready we have to go out." I said and waited for them to get ready.
"Ok we're ready. Lets go out to that super creepy lady." Kate said.
"Yeah. Your right. Something is wrong." I said.
As we got out of our room I saw that old hag already waiting for us.
"Good morning dear girls." She said.
"Good morning to you too." We said.
"Where are all the boys?" She asked.
"Well, They'd be sleeping. I'll go wake them." I said.
"Oh Thank you so much dear." She said as she got up and kissed my forehead. I was totally annoyed.
Well, I climbed upstairs and opened the door to see them sound asleep.
"Hey ! Get up you guys. That lady is waiting for us to have breakfast." I half yelled at them. They got up and patted their faces with water and got out.
"You are late, My children." She said looking at Austin in a weird way.
"Actually, We always sleep late at night. So, its difficult to get up early in the morning." Austin explained.
"Yeah I understand my child. Come have breakfast you have to go to Church also." She said with a frightened look on her face.
"What for?" Jack asked.
"Father would like to have a word with you." She said.
I, Kate and Anna got worried, cause of the frightened look on the lady's face.
I knew that something is going to happen there. We finished our breakfast and begin to walk to the church.
"How long is the way?" Kate asked.
"Just a few steps away." She said in a weird tone.
We have to pass through a forest to get to the church. It was a dark and quiet place. There were no sunrays entering the forest. The plants and trees were very rare. Finally we got to our destination, The Church.
"Here we are?" She said pointing towards an old building with a crucifix on top. We got inside and father greeted us.
"Hello ! How are you my children?" He asked as he invited us in. The Church was kinda dirty from inside.
"We're fine father." We said as we begin to look around.
"Come. Come this way children." He said as we headed to a small room which consisted of a long table and some chairs around it.
"Come have a seat all of you. I would like all of you to know a dark secret." He said.
"Dark secret? We dont understand." Austin said.
"Yes. A secret which have haunted us for years." He said.
I was so afraid that I cant express but i didn't showed that I was afraid. I knew that I was about to discover something dark.
Want to know what happened next... Stay tuned for the dark secret to be revealed.

The Cursed Place
HorrorAshley and her friends are stuck in the middle of nowhere. And its really creepy. Could Ashley and her friends find the way out of that place or they will end up there like other travelers....!