We sat there like looking at each other with a blank face. And suddenly, father placed a bigg book on the table. I guess it was the biggest book i've ever seen and it was really dusty like it was kept there for years.
"What is this Father?" Austin asked.
"It is the book, book in which you all are mentioned, a book of you." He said lowering his face.
"A book of us? We dont understand. Please tell us clearly." Kate demanded.
"It is the book of our ancestors. Our ancestors predicted your birth, your youth and finally, you all arriving at that Cursed Place." He said.
"Cursed Place? What do you mean by that?" I asked as He rose from his chair and faced the window behind him.
"The place you were stuck was a place cursed hundred of years ago. It was all destined in your destinies." He said facing us again.
We all looked at each other in horror.
"What kind of curse is that?" Jack asked.
"Many years ago, There lived a Prince. He fell in love with a normal village girl and wanted to marry her but his parents didn't agreed. They said that he is a royal prince and he can only marry a royal princess." Father said looking at that old lady and paused for a long time.
"What happened then?" I asked as he shifted his eyes towards me.
"His parents declined, dishearted the prince wandered in the jungle. Long time and prince was now nowhere to be found and that poor village girl also disappeared. They ran away together and got married in a far place from that kingdom. It is said that they stayed at the place which is now called a cursed place." Father said.
"What happened next?" Anna asked.
"She gave birth to two twins. Soon, the place was discovered by the parents of prince. The twins and that girl died but before dyeing she cursed that place and there kingdom with destruction and predicted that this curse will only broken by seven people, four boys and three girls. And the people she predicted are you." Father said.
"But how? We're just normal people living in LA. What do we have to do with this?" Austin said in anger. We all were so afraid that no one can express that fear.
"You are special people born with a purpose." Father said facing Austin.
"Your the only one that can make this old lady young again. She is the last hope of our kingdom to be generated again." Father said.
"And your the only one that can remove that curse from that place and from our kingdom." He said.
"And if this curse is not removed from this kingdom, the world will come to end." He said and we were paranoid.
"Why would the world end?" I asked.
"This kingdom is cursed with the most powerful curse ever. If this curse is not removed as soon as possible, it will take the world with it." He said.
"But what can we do to remove this curse? Is there anyway?" Austin asked.
"Yes. There is a way. But the night is about to fall and discussing these things at night can brought danger to our life. Now you may go home and have some rest." He said and got out of the room.
"Come. Come on children." The old lady said leading us out.
"Its so dark out here. How can we get home?" Kate said.
The old lady clapped twice and we were in the living area of the house.
"How did you do that?" Jake yelled in surprise.
"I belong to a magical kingdom. So, I can do it." She said and walked into her room.
We were worried as always. And sat in the living room in horror.
"We're stuck here. Again in a biggest problem." Austin said.
"What we are supposed to do now baby." I asked.
"We cant do anything. We'll have to fight in order to be alive." He said.
"We must go to our rooms." I said and got up. I changed in my sleeping suit wondering what will happen next. We understood everything that we cant run away without fighting this fight.
All night Anna, Kate and I sat there on our beds not knowing what will happen next.
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The Cursed Place
HorrorAshley and her friends are stuck in the middle of nowhere. And its really creepy. Could Ashley and her friends find the way out of that place or they will end up there like other travelers....!